New jersey vs.tlo

New Jersey VS. T.L.O (1985)


    Two high school girls were caught smoking in the bathroom of the school, one confessed to smoking where as the other kept dening. So the vice pincipal check the girls purse found a list of people that needed to pay her thus finding out that she was a dealer of marijuana and a pipe plus money all in one dollar bills.
  • First Encounter

    First Encounter
    The Supreme court meets for the first time and is decided 6-3
  • Reargued

    The Supreme Court meets yet again to decide again whether or not the 2 girls are indeed innocent.
  • Decided

    The Supreme court gets together once again to make the final decision of wether or not these girls are guilty to the crimes they had been pegged with. The decision was that the vice principal was not violating the 4th amendment because upon inspeciton of her purse vice found the drugs in plain sight thus not violating the 4th amendment