Henry Hudson and His crew aboard the Half Moon.
The crew of the Half Moon and Henry Hudson made an attempt to find the north west passage to the Pacific ocean but instead settle on and exploring Muheakunnuk a river that would later bear his name and allow the Dutch access to the east coast of the New World. Source - http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/colonial/jb_colonial_subj.html
image - http://www.history.com/topics/exploration/henry-hudson -
Establishment of New Netherlands
Hudson's exploration of this waterway set the stage for the development of Dutch Colonies in what would later be known as New Netherlands in the area that is known in present day as Jersey City. http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/colonial/jb_colonial_subj.html
Image - http://www.njcu.edu/programs/jchistory/Pages/D_Pages/Dutch_Settlement.htm -
Dutch India Company - Cornelius Mey
The Dutch India Company set their sites on developing a foothold on both sides of the Hudson River. Corniulus J. Mey would be sent to begin colonization efforts.
image - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_East_India_Company -
Development of the attorney general.
During his stay and eventual governorship, Minuit instituted an advisory body of individuals who would advise the governor and manage laws that allowed the colony to be appropriately governed. To enforce the laws he also instituted what is known today as the Attorney general.
image - http://marybarrettdyer.blogspot.com/2012/02/william-dyer-first-attorney-general-in.html -
Minuit- New Netherland
Peter Minuit was given the opportunity to become the director general of New Netherlands. He was previously hired by the Dutch to purchase Manhattan from the Native Americans.
image - https://www.awesomestories.com/asset/view/Peter-Minuit-Purchase-of-Manhattan-Island1 -
New Sweden
Peter Minuit established New Sweden after a bitter rivalry with the secretary of the New Netherland company which resulted in a recall to Holland for an investigation. Minuit was eventually released from his duties in New Netherlands. He would later be recommended to establish another colony on the Delaware River which resulted in the purchase and establishment of New Sweden.
image - http://colonialswedes.net/History/History.html -
Period: to
Acquition and Control of New Jersey - Dutch
The Dutch acquire New Sweden and incorporate it into New Netherlands. Bergen is established and recognized as the first established town and originally established as a stockade.
http://www.njcu.edu/programs/jchistory/Pages/D_Pages/Dutch_Settlement.htm -
Acquistion and control - British
Acquired by the British from the Dutch, New Jersey was The sold to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkley. New Jersey was split, East and West Jersey among the two proprietors. New Jersey was named in honor of Carteret the governor of the Isle of Jersey.
image - http://vlc-uk.tumblr.com/post/133923709678/new-york-new-jersey -
Princeton town established
The town of Princeton is settled https://www.princeton.edu/meet-princeton/history -
The Great Awakening
Religious revivals that took place as a result of an observations of the station of American Religion by such Reformed pastors as Theodorus Frelinghuysen.
image - http://www.ushistory.org/us/7b.asp -
Princeton University
The College of New Jersey, which later became Princeton, was founded to assist in the education of ministers. The campus encompassed 600 acres and was located in Elizabeth, then Newark New Jersey for nine years. It now resides in Princeton, New Jersey as of 1756. Served as barracks, and hospital and later became the home, temporarily, to the Continental Congress. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h3461.html
image - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Princeton_University -
Queens College - Rutgers University
Queen's college was founded as an all male institution of learning for the Dutch Reformed Church. The college was named Rutgers after Colonel Henry Rutgers a Dutch American. Frederick Frelinghuysen, who graded from Princeton in 1770, became the institution's first tutor. http://www.rutgers.edu/about/history
https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/0*PLQacLenbNAm79Bu.jpg -
Period: to
Queen's College - Rutgers University
Rutgers. University-Rutgers College was only open to men. In 1970 women are admitted into Rutgers College. Melanie Willoughby was among the first group of women to be accepted into Rutgers university which was an all male campus. Willoughby recalls male students resistance to the change. http://www.nj.com/middlesex/index.ssf/2012/09/new_brunswick_pioneers_first_l.html -
The Trenton Academy
20 men who were prominent in the city of Trenton formed the Trenton School Company. They brought to existence the Trenton Academy. It started as an elementary school and eventually became an Academy. The school stood and remained in service for more than a century and closed in 1884.It was bought by a former pupil who utilized the bell and continued use of the building as a free public school annex and temporary area for eh school of industrial arts.http://www.trentonhistory.org/Old&New.html -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of rights is ratified in New Jersey making it the first state to take this action. This opened the opportunity for New Jersey to engaged in developing the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/new-jersey-ratifies-the-bill-of-rights
image - http://www.freedomworks.org/content/digital-bill-rights%E2%80%94it%E2%80%99s-time -
State school fund established
State of New Jersey gets involved in education by establishing a State school fund. Fund was financed through the sale of state owned land
Disbursement of funds occurred in 1829
http://www.newjerseyalmanac.com/education-history.html -
NJ State Board of Education established
The New Jersey State Board of Education established
State Superintendent of public instruction established. This position had the authority to enforce school law.
Required schools to be free for children 5 - 18 and school districts were allowed to appoint a local superintendent. Financial issues plagued the measures and eventually resulted in tuition being sought from the parents because of mismanagement of funds.
http://www.newjerseyalmanac.com/education-history.html -
Act to establish public schools
After the new state constitution was adopted to replace the old one from 1776, an act to establish public schools was passed by the legislature. Funding problems continued because allocations favored wealthy counties requiring towns to raise some of the funds themselves.
http://www.newjerseyalmanac.com/education-history.html -
Clara Barton School
Clara Barton
School teachers born in Massachusetts, saw a need for NJ school children to have a free public school. Saw a need for free public schools after teaching students at Cedar Swamp. Opened the first free public school in Bordentown. Success led to a brick school house but the principal position and the higher pay was given to an outside male educator.
https://www.emaze.com/@ACICRZWQ/Clara-Barton-:-The-Angel-of-the-Battlefield -
NJEA was founded y educators who wanted to improve public education and the teaching profession. https://www.njea.org/about/history/ -
Hoboken Academy
Founded by German Americans so that German language and cultures could be passed to their children. It later merged with the Stevens Preparatory Schools in 1934.
http://hoboken.pastperfectonline.com/bysearchterm?keyword=Hoboken+Academy -
First African American Principal - Newark
James M. Baxter hired as the principal at age 19 for Newark's "Colored School". Baxter remained the principal for 45 years. When he began as principal black students and German children not permitted. German students were not permitted primarily because they were Catholic.
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/02/newark_urban_renewal_project_b.html -
Free Publics Schools a reality in NJ
Make Free the Public Schools of the State Act
funds for public schools were financed by state-derived revenue source
http://www.newjerseyalmanac.com/education-history.html -
From the first school to the American Red Cross
Clara Barton leaves teaching after being discouraged when her first school is given to a male educator to become principal. Becomes a nurse in the civil war and founds the American Red Cross -
Hoboken and Immigration
The city of Hoboken sees an increase in immigration many of which from Germany. World War I changed the composition of citizens from Germany to Italian.
http://www.maggieblanck.com/Hoboken/Hoboken.html -
First woman president of the NJEA
48 year teaching veteran - Principal. Credited for teachers' rights advocacy for retirement and tenure
Became the Vice president of the NJ teachers' association
Became president of the NJTA in 1914
Made honorary president of the NJTA (later the NJEA) after her death) in perpetuum
Source - google books Past and Promise: Lives of New Jersey women -
Mother May I?
The New Jersey State Mother's Council was organized. This grouped helped to form the Parent-Teacher Organizations as it is known in the state of NJ today. The organization was born out of a trip by the Porch Club in Riverton to the National Congress of Mothers in Washington D.C.
http://www.riverton.k12.nj.us/rivertonproject/1900.html -
The tenure law
"to aid in the establishment of a competent and efficient school system by affording to principals and teachers a measure of security in the ranks they hold after years of service"
http://njpsa.org/primer-the-new-tenure-law/ -
Nellie Morrow Parker
Nellie Parker was hired as a fifth and sixth grade teacher In Hackensack. She faced many challenges at the beginning of her teaching career which included criticism and harassment from the Daughters of the American Revolution, The knights of Columbus and the Ku Klux Klan.
http://www.njwomenshistory.org/discover/biographies/nellie-morrow-parker/ -
Begging Licenses
The crash on wall street hit New Jersey just as hard. Unemployment, and homelessness encouraged the establishment of breadlines and soup lines. Begging licenses were being issued to poor and unemployed citizens due to the exhaustion of government funds from providing relief.
http://gardenstatelegacy.com/files/Time_of_Despair_Time_of_Hope_Guarino_GSL24.pdf -
Charles F. Seabrook Company
The company in Cumberland Company recruited Japanese American Internees to assist in harvesting and processing vegetables. Almost one thousand workers were relocated from internment camps to Seabrook. The amount of workers grew and many Japanese Americans stayed in New Jersey after the war.
http://encyclopedia.densho.org/Seabrook_Farms/ -
Holding out in South Jersey
According to New Jersey law in 1881 segregation of schools was illegal. Segregation in South jersey was still prevalent in 43 school districts. New Jersey was classified as one of the most stubborn, among five, when it came to eliminating segregation.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/65359853@N00/16785653638 -
Learning together
Segregation was outlawed in New Jersey in 1947 which began the desegregation in schools. The image shows Dorothy Allen Conley in her classroom who felt that the integration was a positive change for education. http://www.njwomenshistory.org/discover/topics/african-american-women/racially-integrated-classroom/ -
Public School Education Act (PSEA)
"...to provide to all children of New Jersey, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location..." This act was the beginnings of learning standards and testing standards for students in New Jersey. Amendment made to the act lead to the Minimum Basic Skills testing program that eventually led to the HSPT, EWT, Common core standards , PARCC and NJASK tests.
https://www.gibbsboroschool.org/Page/80 -
Designation: Abbott District
Abbott v/ Burke the beginning 1981 with a complaint to the Superior Court challenging New Jersey's method of financing public education under the Public School Education Act of 1975. The Education Law center argued that education funded at the time was unconstitutional because there were large differences between poor urban and wealthy suburban districts.
http://villagegreennj.com/tag/abbott-districts/ -
Abbott V Burke II
NJ supreme count ruled unequal and insufficient funds does not allow students in urban districts a rigorous education that is supported by equalized funding between all districts and eliminate disadvantages as much as possible.
http://www.truthdig.com/tag/underfunded_schools -
Court orders the State of New Jersey to take over Neward School District
The Newark school district is taken over by the state of New Jersey because of incompetent leaders and failing students. Among the problems are reports of board members misusing money for personal gain and continued student failure. 1 in 4 students pass the high school proficiency test. Newark board has been accused of doctoring numbers make poor test scores acceptable.
http://www.nytimes.com/1995/04/14/nyregion/judge-orders-a-state-takeover-of-the-newark-school-district.html?pagewanted=all -
The CCCS (Core Curriculm content standards)
The CCCS are defined that every student receive equal opportunities to learn and meet their potential. The CCCS identifies what students should learn and accomplish during their time in public education. These standards are updated and improved every five years.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/14/nyregion/new-jersey-school-funding.html -
Moving towards better care
A rise in moves for better care was noticed especially in New Jersey. Many parents were coming many areas, often all over the world, to states like New Jersey because they knew that their children with Autism and other needs would receive better services in a timely manner. The concern for these states was the cost for these services.
http://www.nytimes.com/2000/05/06/nyregion/high-rewards-and-high-costs-as-states-draw-autistic-pupils.html -
Residency and education
New York Times reported that the Englewood School District was working on making sure the students going to school have proven to be residences of the local community. 300 students were unenrolled to have not shown their residency in the local community.
http://www.nytimes.com/2000/09/10/nyregion/a-new-jersey-school-district-gets-strict-about-residency.html -
Violence and Vandalism IN New Jersey Public Schools Executive report
The NJ DOE releases an executive report discussing the state of violence, vandalism and substance abuse in NJ public schools and ways to assist schools in addressing the problem. Electronic Data submitted by the publics schools in 1999 - 2000 was used to create the report. Interventions, character education initiatives, and learning initiatives were discussed in this report.
http://bordersalertandready.com/violence-in-schools -
"One Newark"
A controversial reform was implemented by the superintendent of schools in Newark. The program dealt a blow to the schools in Newark by instating a lottery system resulting in many principals and teachers terminations. Students needing special services have experienced inadequate school settings and programs as well. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/06/03/the-ugly-reform-mess-in-newark-public-schools-by-a-top-newark-education-official/?utm_term=.87f005e7cae6 -
A promise made for more funding.
State funding for public education is a constant concerning NJ. Gov. Christie constantly promising an increase of education aid through his budget but does not deliver. The article discusses how the data for the past 10 years of spending shows that funding dropped when adjusted. Citizens are concerns over the money and where it is going. http://www.nj.com/education/2015/03/k-12_aid_down_substantially_in_nj_despite_christie_promise_of_historic_funding.html
image source: huffington post -
Budget Crisis causing 119 teacher layoffs
Budget cuts are causing crisis in Lakewood which could result in laying off 119 teachers and increasing classes sizes to 50 students. extracurricular activities and sports would be suspended and after care eliminated if last minute assistance does not arrive.