New Imperialism

  • British gained control over much of India

    The British Empire arrived at India, and later took control over almost all of India. They also took control of India's economy and made it so that the British would get the money off of their things.
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  • Nguyen Dynasty(1802-1945)

    Vietnam got their hands on the Nguyen Dynasty, ending 303 years of peasant rebellion and civil war. It also helped build more stuff and palaces in the new capital city called Hue.
  • Uthman launched the jihad

    Hausa rulers of Muslim Gobir honored places of idol, and trees, and rocks, and sacrificed their subjects towards them without even thinking about the Islamic law. He gathered religious students and they overthrew the hausa rulers and started expanding Islam into the Sudan.
  • Parliament abolishes slave trade

    After the slave trade became illegal, the British started to seize the ship of slave runner, free the slaves, and send them to Liberia. British took action first by sending navys. They only intercepted less than 10 percent of all slave ships. More nations started to joined Britain in making the slave trade illegal. Trades began to decline rapidly in the 1860's. Legal trades started to occur in West Africa and it started to make progress.
  • Sokoto Caliphate established

    When the Sokoto Caliphate triumphed victory, they had consequences for Africa and the Sudan. First, Caliphate was governed by a sophisticated written constitution that was based on the history and laws of Islamic. The government made Caliphate one of the most successful regions in tropical Africa. Also, Islam was more planted deeply in the sub-Saharan Africa then ever before. Lastly, slavery was approved in Islam, and by the 1900's they had about 2.5 million slaves.
  • Dutch abolishes combination of tribute and makes a new system

    Rulers and peasants who were forced to do labor didn't have the combination of tribute anymore since it was abolished. A new policy was established, called the Culture system. Indonesian peasants had to plant coffee and sugar crops, and then give them to the Dutch as tax.
  • British abolished slavery in the Cape colony.

    Slavery was abolished by Britain in the Cape colony, and the African laborer's were being protected by the introduction of racial equality. The British took over thee valuable colonies of Cape Colony and Natal, while Afrikaners took over the ranch-land republics of Orange Free State and the Transvaal.
  • The Meiji Restoration

    Japanese emperors restored power because of this event.
    Schools were opening up to everyone, teachers were learning new stuff, and police stations were being set up around the country because of this event.
  • The Great Depression

    During the Great Depression, America and Europe decided to abandon the century-long practice of free trade. Britain, other European powers, and the United States decided to sell their products and get cheap raw materials from Africans and Asians.
  • Social Darwinian theories of brutal competition among race

    People were saying that superior nations always took over inferior nations and that superior nations are better. An English economist quotes, "strongest nation has always been conquering the weaker... and the strongest tend to be the best. With this information, Europeans were considered as part of the white race, so they took over colonies to show their superiority and manliness.This encouraged imperial expansion to occur.
  • The Scramble for Africa

    During this time, Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, and Italy, were all worried that they wouldn't get "A piece of the African cake". When Europeans had African land in 1880, they only ruled over 20 percent of the land. Later on, they ruled over 90 percent of the land. The only countries that remained independent were Liberia and Ethiopia.
  • Causes of the New Imperialism

    Economic motives had important roles in the expansion of political empires, most specifically towards the British empire. France, Germany, and the US started industrializing very quickly during the 1880's.Britain was considered "workshop of the world" at the time, but then its industrial lead started dropping and started facing difficult competitions in the foreign market.
  • Americans and Australians build great white walls

    Asians were migrating and decided to go to trades and towns for better opportunities. A problem occurred with the white settlers, who told them to stop migrating. They then built great white walls to prevent them from settling into the country
  • "The White Man's Burden"

    "The White Mans burden was a poem created by the poet Rudyard Kipling, which helped Europeans realize that they should educate more non-white because imperialism will help them so that they could have higher levels of living. American imperialists accepted this concept because they believed that their civilization had reached heights never done before. They then decided to give unique benefits to all "less advanced" people.
  • The Boxers

    The Boxers were a Chinese secret society who blamed their countries ill on foreigner. The Boxers laid siege, but then nations sent troops to lift it up. China then had to pay a staggering indemnity because of the negotiations.
  • 1911 Revolution

    This revolution led to the end of China's monarchy. It was then replaced by a western-style republic. China would never be the same after escaping the direct foreign rule.
  • Sir John Marriot's book "The English in India

    This source reflects the historical context of time because it shows how British made advancements to India, leading India to have better upgrades.