New france map

New France

  • Champlain and 28 Men come to Quebec to Build a Colony

    Champlain and 28 Men come to Quebec to Build a Colony
    Champlain first came to Quebec in 1603 he then returned in 1608 with 28 men to start building a colony there.
  • Champlain get's Cardinal Richelieu to Invest in New France

    Champlain get's Cardinal Richelieu to Invest in New France
    Champlain convinces Richelieu to invest in New France and to get 100 other French investors to follow, this created the Company of One Hundred Associates. Image is Cardinal Richelieu
  • Period: to

    Hurons Weakened

    Because of missionaries coming to the Hurons to convert them to Catholicism they accidently brought disease which wiped out majority of the Huron population and weakened them severely, which leads to their destruction.
  • Louis XIV Comes to Power in France

    Louis XIV Comes to Power in France
    Louis XIV was a French king with a reign of 72 years he helped preserve and save New France later on. He became king at the age of 4.
  • Huron Nation Attacked by Iroquois

    Huron Nation Attacked by Iroquois
    The Huron Nation after being weakened by disease they were attacked by the Iroquois, they then were dispersed to different areas and many were killed. The Huron Nation was ended.
  • Louis XIV takes charge of New France

    Louis XIV takes charge of New France
    The One Hundred Associates Company did not meet it's agreement of the amount of settlers New France would have at this time so it became a royal colony. Louis XIV sent a Governor-General to manage the colony and an intendent. Image is Jean Baptiste Governor of New France
  • Fille De Rois

    Fille De Rois
    At this time there was about 6 men to every woman in New France, so to encourage population growth and for the men to stay in New France Louis XIV paid young women to travel to New France.
  • Louis XIV Sends Troops to Aid New France

    Louis XIV Sends Troops to Aid New France
    Because the Hurons were destroyed New France was vulnerable and so Louis XIV sent troops to aid New France, and give them strength.
  • Iroquois Agree to peace Treaty with France

    Iroquois Agree to peace Treaty with France
    The Iroquois weakened from war, and fearing the outcome after the troops were placed in 1665 they decided to agree to a peace treaty.
  • Battle for Quebec

    Battle for Quebec
    The British attack Quebec in order to try and seize power. This then leads to more wars between the French and British and eventually the downfall of New France.
  • Iroquois go to War Again

    Iroquois go to War Again
    The Iroquois despite the peace treaty go to war with New France again.
  • British take Control of Acadia

    British take Control of Acadia
    Acadia was under French control, it was fought between the French and British numerous times this time though the French did not get it back. This shows the gradual loss of power the French had to the British. Image is Nicholas Dahl
  • Acadians are Driven Out by British

    Acadians are Driven Out by British
    In 1755 the British drove out the Acadians living in British controlled Acadia causing them to be dispersed in numerous different areas many ton away from families.
  • War Between the British and French

    War Between the British and French
    The British attack the French again and battle is carried into a fort called Carillon, the French won the battle but the British did capture Fort Louisburg.
  • British March onto Quebec City

    British March onto Quebec City
    The British with James Wolfe they go to attack but are held back the entire summer by Montcalm. They had three sets of attack one from the south the West and a Naval army all to strike Quebec City and hold it under siege. James Wolf was Furious being forced to wait so he fired cannons on Quebec and ordered troops to destroy as much of the colony as possible forcing habitant farmers to flee into the woods.
  • Quebec Conquered by British

    Quebec Conquered by British
    James Wolf decides to attack Quebec by going up a foot path by night and up a cliff they end up on the plains of Abraham and the French and British fight, the French lose and Montcalm is killed.