Ccc us history time line new deal

New Deal Programs

  • Period: to

    New Deal

  • Glass-Steagal Act (FDIC)

    Glass-Steagal Act (FDIC)
  • Civilian Conservartion Corps (CCC)

    Civilian Conservartion Corps (CCC)
    Sent 250,000 young men to work camps to preform eforestation and conservation tasks. Removes surplus workers from cities, provided healthy conditions for boys, and provided money for families.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

    Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
    Protected farmers from price drops by providing crop subsidies to reduce production, and start educational programs to teah methods that prevent soil erosion.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    Federal government building dams to prevent flooding and sell electricity. First public completion with private power industries.
  • Civil Works Administration (CWA)

    Civil Works Administration (CWA)
    Provided Public Works jobs at $15/week to four million workers in 1934.
  • Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)

    Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)
    Loaned money at low interest rates to homeowners who could not afford mortgage payments.
  • Securities And Exchange Commision (SEC)

    Securities And Exchange Commision (SEC)
    Regulated Stock market and restricted margin buying.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    Allowed workers to join unions and outlawed union busting tactics by management.
  • Social Security Administration

    Social Security Administration
    Provided a pension for retired workers and their spouses and aided people with disabilities.