Rivonia Trial

  • 90 Day Detention Law

    Allows security officers to hold persons suspected of political crimes to be held for a 90 day period. Even if they are without charges.
  • Raid of Lillesleaf Farm

    14 police officers and dogs enter the estate, searching and surrounding the property. Found 8 suspects as well as suspicious documents that suggesting an attack on the government. Police believe Nelson was involved.
  • After Lilliesleaf Raid

    Some of the men were held under the 90-day detention law including Bob Hepple. They were denied the opportunity to consult with lawyers or see their families. Some were even tortured.
  • Escapees

    Harold Wolpe and Arthur Goldreich escaped the prison by paying off the prison guard (2000 pounds). They travelled to Swaziland and then flew to Bechuanaland. South African agents blew up the plane scheduled to take them to Tanganyika but they had arranged a smaller plane to fly into a remote airstrip. They arrived safely.
  • First Meeting

    The night before the trial was to begin, the defendants and the attorneys met. They had no idea what crimes the government would charge but they agreed they would enter a joint defence.
  • Trial Begins

    The prosecutor called the case and produced an indictment charging the 11 defendants with two counts of sabotage and two counts of conspiracy. The defence were seeing the indictment for the first time and pleaded for postponement and were given three weeks.
  • Supreme Court Appearance

    10 defendants appeared on two counts of sabotage in regard to the findings on Lilliesleaf Farm.
  • Mandela's Dock Speech

    The defense team had a strategy which was to let Mandela lead off the defense by making a statement from the dock rather than testifying and opening himself to cross-examination. For five hours Mandela read in a flat and deliberate tone which became one of the most famous speeches in South Africa's.
  • Trial Ends

    Only Rusty Bernstein was acquitted but the other 8 men were found guilty.
  • Sentence Was Announced

    The judge Justice de Wet imposed life imprisonment for all; Mandela, Sisulu, Mbeki, Motsoaledi, Mlangeni, Goldberg, Mhlaba and Kathrada.