Nellie Bly

  • 1864

    Elizabeth Cochran was born
  • 1870

    Father dies
  • 1879

    Goes to Indiana Normal School to train as a teacher but can only afford one semester
  • 1880

    Moves to Pittsburg and helps run a boarding house
  • 1885

    Gets a job as newspaper writer for New York World and takes pen name Nellie Bly
  • 1887

    Pretends to be crazy so she can investigate and write about the treatments for the mentally ill
  • 1889

    Decides to travel around the world in less than 80 days. She went around the world in 72 days.
  • 1892

    Publishes Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-two Days
  • 1894

    Writes a story about the Pullman Railroad strike in Chicago
  • 1895

    Gets married to Robert Livingston Seaman
  • 1904

    Becomes president of her husbands job
  • 1914

    Becomes a war reporter in World War 1
  • 1919

    Goes to New York and writes about adopting poor children
  • 1922

    Dies at age 57