First men on the moon tcm25 482521

Neil Armstrong

  • birth

    Was born on August 5, 1930, in Wapakoneta, OH.
  • Earning License

    On his 16th birthday earned his flying license.
  • Neil goes to war

    Neil goes to war
    Neil Armstrong was called into action with the Navy to go fight in the Korean War. When that ended, he returned to college.
  • Degree

    Earned bachelors degree in aeronautical engineering from Purdue.
  • Neil goes to space

    Neil goes to space
    Neil and his flight mate, David Scott, were launched into space to dock with the Gemini Agena vehicle. The dock was successful, but the mission had to be cut short.
  • The moon mission

    The moon mission
    Neil Armstrong, along with two other astronauts, landed on the moon. Armstrong drove the Lunar Module.
  • Awards

    Armstrong and his flight mates received many awards for their moon mission. Awards included the Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.
  • Neil Armstrong investigates

    Neil Armstrong investigates
    Neil helped investigate the failed space mission, the Challenger, in 1986. The Challenger blew up after launch, killing its crew.
  • Hall of Engineering

    , Purdue University announced that they would be naming their new engineering building as Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering.
  • Death

    Neil died at the age of 82, after complications from heart surgery. He will always be remembered for what he did for nasa and history.