ND Timelines

  • 526

    Antioch Earthquake Byzantine Empire (Turkey)

    Antioch Earthquake Byzantine Empire (Turkey)
    Only houses built near mountains were said to survive
    Quake was followed by fire that destroyed standing buildings
  • Sep 23, 1556

    Shaanxi Earthquake, China

    Shaanxi Earthquake, China
    Deadliest earthquake on record
    During Ming Dynasty
  • Calcutta Cyclonen India

    Calcutta Cyclonen India
    Destroyed 20,000 vessels
    The date is disputed due to British having a different calendar at the time
  • India Cyclone

    India Cyclone
    The term "cyclone" was coined after this stormed was noticeably spinning in a circle
    Area never fully rebuilt, remains a simple village
  • Yellow River Flood, China

    Yellow River Flood, China
    River is prone to flooding due to surrounding flat plains
    Water spread very quickly covering 50,000 square miles
  • Haiyuan Earthquake, China

    Haiyuan Earthquake, China
    severe destruction of 20,000 square miles
    News of quake was overshadowed by civil war
  • China Floods

    China Floods
    Devastating flood that affected an area the size of England.
    Core disaster zone was concentrated to 8 provinces.
  • Bhola Cyclone East Pakistan

    Bhola Cyclone East Pakistan
    Deadliest tropical cyclone ever recorded
    Pakistani government was criticized for not being prepared
  • Tangshan Earthquake, China

    Tangshan Earthquake, China
    Magnitude of 7.8
    Hit unexpectedly at 3:20 a.m. to a sleeping city
  • Indian Ocean Earthquake And Tsunami

    Indian Ocean Earthquake And Tsunami
    Waves up to 100 ft high
    Longest duration of faulting ever, 8.3-10 minutes