541 BCE
Plauge of Justinian
took place between 541 and 542 bc. It affected Europe. It killed 25-50 million, which was 40 percent of the worlds populaton. -
165 BCE
Antonine Plauge
a similar disease to smallpox. 165-180 bc. killed 5 million, 30 percent of the words population. It effected a very large part of the world, including Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. -
Sep 11, 1346
The Black Death.
Caused 75 to 200 million people in Europe in the years 1346-1353. It killed about 30-60 percent of the words population. The worlds population did not recover fully until the 17th century. Several religions were started because of it. It started in Central Asia and got to Europe through fleas on the backs of rats on merchant ships. -
Sep 11, 1545
The disease was viral hemorrhagic fever. It took place between 1545 and 1548. It killed 5-15 million people, which was a massive 80 percent of the worlds population. -
Sep 11, 1576
cocoliztli epidemic of 1576.
a second case of the previously mentioned cocoliztli, this time killing 2-2 and a half million people, which was half the worlds population in 1576. Both cases occured in Mexico -
The third cholera outbreak in Russia
Taking place in Russia, their third cholera outbreak killed a million people in 1852-1860. -
The Spanish Flu
Infected 500 million people throughout the world. Took place between 1918 and 1920. Dropped life expectancy by 12 years. -
Asian Flu
There were people infected in almost every part of the world. It killed 2 million people. It was active from 1957 to 1958. The actual disease was like influenza. -
A case of HIV/AIDS, started in the Congo Basin, but is now in every corner of the world. It started in 1960, and the death counter is still growing. So far it has killed 30 million people. -
Hong Kong Flu
A very bad case of Influenza. It occured in 1968 to 1969 all over the world. 1 million people were killed.