
Nc Geological History

  • 145


    Flowering plants prolifertaed, along withnew types of insects that pollinate them.
  • 251


    Dinosaurs appeared and became dominant, as did ichthyosaurs and nothosaurs in the seas and pterosaurs in the air. - 251Mya
  • 416


    Paleozoic - Plants took over land. Fishes were common and diverse. First horsetails and ferns appeared. - 416 Mya
  • Dec 28, 655


    Cenozoic - Worlds climate was still tropical but gradually started to get cool when mammals diversified. - 65.5 Mya
  • Feb 28, 1000

    Neo- proterozoic

    The land under NC was pulled apart, and inland seas emerged.- 1000Mya
  • Meso- proterozoic

    About 1,300 million years ago, the first mountains were formed in North Carolina. - 1600Mya
  • Cenozoic

    Many large mammals flourished, then became extinct. Antatomically modern humans evolved. - 1.8 Mya
  • Cenozoic

    Hom habilis, the first species of the genus Homo to which humans belong, appeared. - 5.3Mya
  • Cenozoic

    Modern mammel and bird families became recognizable. - 23.0Mya
  • Cenozoic

    Animals, especially mammals, evolved rapidly and became more diverse. - 33.9Mya
  • Paleozoic

    In the seas invertebrrates diversified into many new types and the first tiny vertebrates appeared. The first green plants and fungi appeared on land.
  • Paleozoic

    amphibians remained common but small. Reptiles, though, grew larger and diversified. Beetles and flies evolved. - 299Mya
  • Paleo- proterozoic

    As oxygen - producing bacteria proliferated, the atmosphere becameoxygenic-filled with oxygen- for the first time. - 2500Mya
  • Paleozoic

    In wetland forest, ferns thrived and primitive trees called scale trees grew more than 100 ft high. - 359Mya
  • Hadean

    The earth formed about 4,500 million years ago, as a cloud of gas and dust gradually collapsed into the sun and other bodies of our solar system.