European Settlers
- French
- British
- Fur trade
- Eastern "Canada"
- Death by disease
- First Nations
Seven Years War
- British vs. French
- British & French = First Nations
- British won
Seven Years War
- British vs. French
- British & French = First Nations
- British won
Royal Proclamation
Destruction of Bison
- From 30 million bison to 1000 bison
Reserve System
Gradual Civilization Act
Confederation (Canada 150)
Gradual Enfranchisement Act
Numbered Treaties
Indian Act
- First Nations only
CPR Railway
Residential School System
- all First Nations children
Ban all potlach + other expressions of culture
CPR Railway
Church + Government agreement to run residential schools
Dr. Bryce
Numbered Treaties
Residential Schools for Inuit
UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Indigenous People Right to Vote
60's Scoop
- Indigenous children
- Foster care
Expand Residential Schools for Inuit
"White Paper"
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau
"Red Paper"
- churches apologize for residential schools
Establishment of Royal Commission on Indigenous Peoples (RCAP)
- churches apologize for residential schools
RCAP Releases Report & Closing of Last Residential School
Creation of Nunavut
Lawsuit Filed by Residential School Survivors
Settled the Lawsuit
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Prime Minister Stephen Harper "Apologizes"
TRC Release the Report (94 Calls to Action)
Settlement to 60's Scoop Survivors
Justin Trudeau announces a "framework" for working with Indigenous people