
Nature comans

By Mrsabel
  • It starts with a bean

    It starts with a bean
    Each seed pod bean came from the plant vinnilla orchid.
    The bean takes a long time to dry in the sun for many months.
  • Vanilla traveles to the United States

    Vanilla traveles to the United States
    France used vanilla to make ice cream and other things like cake.
    George Washington loved ice cream so much he special pots to keep it cold.
  • The first vanilla lovers

    The first vanilla lovers
    Vanilla orchids grew wild in the rainforest of Mexico.
    Aztec people of Mexico started using vanilla for flavor
  • A tarp across the ocean

    A tarp across the ocean
    Hernan Cortes loved vanilla bean so much he brought back it to Spain
  • Why vanilla coat so much

    Why vanilla coat so much
    Because at one time it was hard to make and only had little of it.
    Vanilla is one of the most poplar spices