Hurricanes sat

Natural Disaters

  • Traveling Tornado

    Traveling Tornado
    This Tornado killed 695 people and traveled over 300 miles through the US. It was ranked F5 on the old Fujita scale.
  • Famine in China

    Famine in China
    This famine killed over 43 million people and lasted over 2 years. This was the largest and deadliest famine in the world.
  • Hurrican Agnes

    Hurrican Agnes
    Hurricane Agnes was, at the time, the costliest hurricane to hit the United States. This Hurricane lasted 11 days.
  • Super Outbreak, US and Canada

    Super Outbreak, US and Canada
    There were 30 F4/F5 tornadoes reported. This outbreak was the most violent tornado outbreak ever recorded.
  • California drought

    California drought
    This 2 year period was devastating to everyone around the California area. Scarce water no matter where you are is always a problem.
  • Nevado del Ruiz Volcano Eruption

    Nevado del Ruiz Volcano Eruption
    Also known as La Mesa de Herveo. In the 20th century, this eruption was the cause of the second largest volcano-related disaster.
  • Mexico City Earthquake

    Mexico City Earthquake
    This earthquake reached 8.1 on the MMS. It also struck some major parts in Mexico.
  • Loma Prieta California Earthquake

    Loma Prieta California Earthquake
    "It was a wakeup call to prepare for the potentially even more devastating shocks that are inevitable in the future." - Robert Page, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Hurricane Andrew

    Hurricane Andrew
    Hurricane Andrew was one of the most costliest hurricanes of its time in Florida. Very distructive to anything in its way.
  • Gujarat Earthquake

    Gujarat Earthquake
    This earthquake lasted for over 2 minuets. The epicentre was 9 km south- southwest of Chobari. It reached to a 7.7 on the moment magnitude scale.
  • Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

    Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
    This earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake. The epicentre was off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.
  • Cyclone Nargis

    Cyclone Nargis
    This was the first cyclone to hit Northern Indian Ocean. Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar and damaged the Ayeyarwady Delta area including 37 townships for two days.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    This earthquake reached a magnitude 7.0. The depth was 8.1 miles. The epicentre was south west of Port-Au-Prince with 59 aftershocks.
  • 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

    2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
    2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
    This Earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku was a magnitude 9.0 MMS.
  • Hurricane Irene

    Hurricane Irene
    This was a large and destructive tropical cyclone. It hit the Caribbeans and most of the East coast of the United states.