Natural Disasters Tsunami Timeline

  • Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)

    Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
    The magnitude was 9 and over 20,000 people were harmed and died. It was the third known large scale earthquake to hit the city.
  • Period: to

    Major Tsunamis

  • Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)

    Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
    The magnitude was 8.5 and over 36,000 people were harmed and died. The tsunami destroyed 300 towns and villages.
  • Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)

    Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
    The magnitude was 8.1 and over 160 people were harmed and died. The waves reached as high as 42 m or about 138 ft.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)

    Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)
    The magnitude was 9.5 and over 61 people were harmed and died. It left 2 million people homeless.
  • Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)

    Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
    The magnitude was 9.2 and over 130 people were harmed and died. There were several tsunamis more then 3 waved triggered.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)

    Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
    The magnitude was 7.8 and over 120 people were harmed and died. The waves reached as high as 38 meters.
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake (Papua New Guinea)

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake (Papua New Guinea)
    The magnitude was 7.1 and over 2,100 people were harmed and died. It went 15 miles inland.
  • Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
    The magnitude was 9.1 and over 230,000 people were harmed and died. It had the same energy levels as 23 atomic bombs.
  • Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)

    Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
    The magnitude was 8.1 and over 200 people were harmed and died. It was he 5th tsunami in 15 years.
  • Chile Earthquake (Chile)

    Chile Earthquake (Chile)
    The magnitude was 8.8 and over 700 people were harmed and died. It was the most powerful temblor in history.
  • Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)

    Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
    The magnitude was 9.1 and over 20,000 people were harmed and died. There were more then 5000 aftershocks.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)
    The magnitude was 6.2 and over 400 people were harmed and died. Over 1000 people were never indentified after they died.