
Natural Disasters in North Carolina

  • April 2011 Tornados

    April 2011 Tornados
    It was the largest tornado outbreak in NC history, killed 24 people and injured 133 people
  • Hurricane Irene

    Hurricane Irene
    Category 3 hurricane with 115 mph winds, it killed 7 people, and 686 million dollars in damage. It was a category 3 hurricane with 121 mph winds.
  • Eastern NC Tornados

    Eastern NC Tornados
    9 separate tornados touched down in NC and killed 1 child and injured 28 others, it also destroyed 327 homes.
  • Hurricane Matthew

    Hurricane Matthew
    Matthew killed 31 people across NC. Matthew left North Carolina with 4.8 billion dollars in damages. It was a category 5 hurricane and had 168 mph winds.
  • Guilford/Rockingham Tornado

    Guilford/Rockingham Tornado
    1,000 buildings were destroyed, 14 people injured and coasted NC $584,365 in damages
  • Hurricane Florence

    Hurricane Florence
    Hurricane Florence did 17 billion dollars in damage, roughly 11,386 houses were destroyed and 54 people died. It was a category 4 hurricane and had 137 mph winds
  • Hurricane Michael

    Hurricane Michael
    Hurricane Michael did 22 million dollars in damage, the storm had 74 mph winds and was a category 5 hurricane. More than 40,000 houses were destroyed and 3 people died.
  • Hurricane Dorian

    Hurricane Dorian
    This was a category 2 hurricane with 100 mph winds. 1,126 homes were destroyed and roughly 1.2 billion dollars in damage was done to North Carolina from this Hurricane.
  • Hurricane Isaias

    Hurricane Isaias
    It was a category 1 hurricane with 85 mph winds. 40 million dollars in damage was done and roughly 360,000 homes were damaged or in trouble.
  • Tropical Storm Fred

    Tropical Storm Fred
    It had winds of 62 mph. 6 people died, 1.3 million dollars in damage was done, 450 homes were destroyed.