Great Hinckley Fire
The Great Hinckley Fire took place in Minnesota ravaging more than 200,000 acres and claimed at least 418 lives. The wildfire lasted for 2 hours polluting the air with emissions harmful to the people around the fire. The fire also released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere hurting Earth even more. The town was turned upside down and with help from small group of determined men they decided to rebuild the town. Hinckley was rebuilt exactly as it had been before the fire. -
Great Hinckley Fire Continued
Today Hinckley houses the Hinckley Fire Musuem that tells in detail the story of the fire. The town was brought back to life because it was well known as the "hub" of the lumbering industry and two major railroads brought up to 22 trains a day through the town. This wildfire can be classified as a very big disaster killing so many. -
Central Europe's Historic Flooding
In late May and early June there was a record flooding in many European countries including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the Czech Republic. No lives were claimed but the result was 22 billion dollars in damage, representing the fifth costliest non-US weather disaster on record. The flooding was tied to "blocked weather" as a result of stuck jet stream pattern which led to extreme rains. Some experts think global warming is producing more of these blocking patterns. When flooding happens -
Central Europe's Historic Flooding
the blance of the ecosystem of all those countries are now distorted. and other insects are introduce to other areas due to the floods. -
North India's Deadly Monsoon Floods
The flooding occured in northern India and Nepal, where the sever flooding claimed 6,500 lives. The disaster was caused by extreme monsoon rains over the Indian state of Uttarakhand recieving more than 14 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. The environmental hazards that raised alarms was the chemicals and other hazardous substances ending up in the water and contaminating the water bodies that floods end up in. Once the flood happened people couldn't get to where they needed to go. Houses were -
North India's Deadly Monsoon Floods
where they needed to go. Homes were destroyed and farms were also destroyed messing up the economy. This flood is characterized as Monsoons deadliest flood ever.