Krakatoa eruption lithograph

Natural Disasters

  • Spain and Portugal earthquake

    Spain and Portugal earthquake
    60 000-100 000 deaths.
    It caused tsunamis and fires.
    The earthquake affected Lisboa, Córdoba, Cádiz and Jaén
  • Tropical drought

    Tropical drought
    30 000 people died by hunger and cholera.
    It affected India, China, Indonesia and Europe.
  • Krakatoa eruption

    Krakatoa eruption
    The volcano erupted in Indonesia.
    36 470 people died.
    There were many tonnes of ash and lava.
    It caused tsunamis too.
    The noise was heard in Australia and in Mauricio islands.
  • San Francisco earthquake

    San Francisco earthquake
    3 000 people died and 300 000 lost their homes.
    After the earthquake there was a huge fire in the city.
    The earthquake affected Santa Rosa, San José and Stanford College
  • Spanish influenza

    Spanish influenza
    50 000 000-100 000 000 people died.
    It affected Europe, North America, China, Australia and Africa.
  • China flood

    China flood
    The Yellow river overflowed.
    3 700 000-4 000 000 people died.
    It affected 1 300 km around.
  • Santander fire

    Santander fire
    1 person died and 15 000 lost their homes.
  • Indonesia tsunami

    Indonesia tsunami
    187 000 people died and 42 000 people disapeared.
    The tsunami was cused by an earthquake.
    It affected East Africa, South Asia, Indonesia and Australia.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    1 900 people died.
    It affected Louisiana, New Orleans, Mississippi areaand Florida
  • Japan tsunami and eartquake

    Japan tsunami and eartquake
    20 896 people died, 3 084 people disappeared.
    It affected the East coast of Japan.
  • Lorca earthquake

    Lorca earthquake
    9 people died and 324 hurts.
    The earthquake destroyed the 80% of the buildings.