Natural Disaster Timeline

  • 529

    Antioch Earthquake

    Antioch Earthquake
    May 29, 526 an earthquake attacked the city of Antioch (now Turkey). Followed by a series of fires for many days.
    529,000 deaths
  • Jan 23, 1556

    Shaanxi Earthquake

    Shaanxi Earthquake
    With a magnitude of 8.0 and afffecting an area of 324,000 square miles, this earthquake caused widespread damage throughout the province of Shaanxi.
    820,000 deaths.
  • Yellow River Flood

    Yellow River Flood
    September 28th, 1887 a waterway in China burst and submerged 50,000 square KM.
    Claimed 900,000-2,000,000 deaths
  • Haiyuan Earthquake

    Haiyuan Earthquake
    7.8 magnitude earthquake in Ningxia, China. Affected 200,000 square kilometers. Caused landslides, avalanches, and ground fissures.
    273,400 deaths
  • Tri-State Tornado

    Tri-State Tornado
    Taking place on March 18 1925, the tornado injured 2000 and killed close to 700 people in southeast Missouri, southern Illinois and southwest Indiana
  • Yangtze River Floods

    Yangtze River Floods
    August 18th 1931, due to deforestation, and heavy rainfall, caused the deadliest natural disaster in history.
    Estimated 3.7-4 million deaths
  • Bhola Cyclone

    Bhola Cyclone
    November 12th, 1970.
    A tropical cyclone going at speeds of 115MPH slammed into the coast.
    between 500,000 to 1M deaths
  • Tangshan Earthquake

    Tangshan Earthquake
    7.8 magnitude earthquake ranged havoc on the city of Tangshan, China.
    242,000 deaths
  • Indian Ocean Earthquake/Tsunami

    Indian Ocean Earthquake/Tsunami
    December 26th 2004, a 9.1 magnitude earthquake under the ocean off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. Third largest recorded in history. Caused a series of tsunamis to effect the area.
    230,000 deaths
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    Struck by a 7.0 earthquake and left a path of destruction. Landslides, small tsunamis affected the area very near afterwards.
    100,000-316.,000 casualties