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NATO: A Colonial Legacy

  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    The 30 original member states of NATO meet in Washington to establish a mutual defense treaty in response to perceived Russian aggression.
  • West Germany joins NATO

    After the London and Paris conferences, West Germany was allowed to rearm itself militarily and was permitted to join NATO
  • Period: to

    Operation Sharp Guard

    The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was hit with an arms embargo and sanctions.
  • Bosnian Serb aircraft shot down

    NATO took its first wartime action when it shot down four Bosnian Serb aircraft after they violated the no-fly zone imposed by NATO
  • Kosovo Intervention

    Kosovo Intervention
    NATO begins Operation Allied Force, a bombing campaign targeting the military capabilities of the Federated Republic of Yugoslavia. The campaign was attacked by human rights advocates for the high rate of civilian casualties, with 90 Human Rights Watch confirmed incidents of civilians dying.