Native American History Timeline

  • 10,000 BCE

    The paleo people speeded across North America.

    The first people that lived in North America.
    The paleo indians, speeded across the continent
  • 10,000 BCE

    Americans migration

    The Americans migrated from Siberia to north america more then 10000 yeast ago. other groups from Asia and south America also relocated to the area.
  • 1452

    poper urban II declared war on all non-christians.

    He disides that non-christens have not the right to own land. And therefor can explorers the right to take land from any non-christians includes indians.
  • 1500

    The European settlers came across the Atlantic Ocean.

    the European settlers brought not only their hopes and dreams, but also diseases. Common European diseases such as measles and chicken pox came to cause a large number of deaths among the natives.
    The diseases soon become a three to the native population.
  • 1500

    The European historians

    in the 15 century the European historians believed that they are over 50 million natives living in America.
  • National Congress of American Indians

    The National Congress of American Indians holds its first conference in Denver, Colorado.