Nationalism in India

  • Mahatma Gandhi writes Hind Swaraj

    Mentions that if indians refuse to cooperate, british rule in India would collapse within an year
  • Period: to


  • Mahatma Gandhi returns to India after 22 yrs

  • Satyagraha in Kheda, Gujarat

    Demanding that revenue collection be relaxed because of the crop failure and epidemic
  • Satyagraha in Champaran

    Against oppressive plantation system
  • Satyagraha in Ahemdabad

    Movement amongst cotton mill workers
  • Period: to

    Mass crop failure

    By 1921, 12-13 million people died as a result of the famines and epidemic
  • Khilafat Committee made

    Formed in Bombay. People like Shaukat Ali and Mohammad Ali came together with Gandhi to discuss the issue. Mar. 1919
  • Rowlatt Act introduced

    Gave government power for suppressing any political activity and detaining political prisoners for 2 years without any trial
  • Rowlatt Satyagraha launched by Gandhi

    Hartal against the rowlatt act
  • Firing on a peaceful procession

    Firing caused massive raids in banks etc and govt imposed marital law (more like a curfew)
  • Jallianwalla Bagh Incident

  • Calcutta Session of Congress

    In this session, Gandhi convinced leaders to start a Non-Cooperation Movement in support of Khilafat as well as Swaraj. Sept. 1920
  • Mahatama Gandhi and Shaukat Ali started moblizing NCM

  • Nagpur Session of Congress

    NCM finally started Dec. 1920
  • Jawaharlal Nehru began talking to people in villages

    to understand their problems
  • Oudh Kisan Sabha made

    Headed by Jawaharlal Nehru and Baba Ramchandra
  • Period: to

    Import of Foreign Goods dropped

    from 1921 - 1022, it went from ₹102 crore to ₹57 crore
  • NCM called off

    Because people went violent and clashed with the police in Chauri Chaura
  • Alluri Sitaram Raju executed

  • Period: to

    Agricultural Prices dropped and collapsed

    1926 - kept falling
    1930 - collapsed
  • Simon Commission came in India

    Lead by Sir John Simon to create a constitution for India
  • Irwin offered "Dominion Status" to India

    Dominion Status - Partial Autonomy Oct. 1929
  • Lahore Session of Congress

    Lead by Jawaharlal Nehru. He wanted Purna Swaraj and celebrated it on 26 Jan 1930 Dec. 1929
  • Abdul Ghaffar Khan arrested

    Apr. 1930
  • Gandhi sent a letter to Viceroy Irwin

    He demanded 11 things. If not fulfilled by 11th March 1930, Gandhi would start the CDM.
  • Period: to

    Dandi March

    240 miles in 24 days.
    Started with 78 people and ended with thousands.
    From Sabarmati to Dandi
  • 2nd Round Table Conference

    Gandhi came back disappointed Dec. 1931
  • Gandhi-Irwin Pact

    Irwin told Gandhi to come in the second Round Table Conference and Gandhi told Irwin to release all political prisoners