
Nationalism and Sectionalism

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    Thomas Jefferson Presidency

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The senate approved this agreement which doubled the size of the united states, adding to the growing feeling of Americans' nationalism, to claim all this as their own and make it into an amazing land (amazing by their definition).
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    War of 1812

    Often called 'the forgotten war' or 'revolutionary war 2' ONE of the causes of this war was that thomas jefferson wanted to make american goods keep on flowing out of the United States, but at the same time keep them neutral when it came to foreign conflicts.
  • War of 1812 begins

    War of 1812 begins
    This war started against the british for many reasons:induction of american soldiers into the british royal navy against their will, british support of HOSTILE Native American Tribes on the Great Lakes Frontier, and many more. This war sent many waves of nationalism sweeping though the United States.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    Gibbons vs. Ogden
    This case, , formed the Commerce Clause of Article I, Section 8. The Court ruled that Congress had powers to regulate any part of commerce that crossed state lines, including transport, and that such regulation preempted conflicting regulation by the states. Since Gibbons, the Commerce Clause has given the base for Congress's overwhelming power over national issues.
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    Andrew Jackson Presidency

  • President Jackson SHuts down 2nd U.S. bank

    He shut down this bank for many reasons. First of all, he hated the lack of funds from this bank for western exploration and settlement. Secondly, he disliked how little attention was paid to the doings of this bank by Congress, Thirdly, he strongly disagreed with the bank's unchallenged(so far) economic and political power.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    This was the trail that started in Idependence, missouri and ended in the Willamette Valley in California.
  • beginning of Mexican-American war

    beginning of Mexican-American war
    AfterMexico attained independence from the northern half of the united states, they got weaker as a whole and were very vulnerable to native american raids carried out to steal their livestock and homes. When American troops entered mexico in 1846, they found a weak, demoralized people who's Northern land of their territiory was ripe for the taking.
  • end of Mexican-American war

    end of Mexican-American war
    Outnumbered by american military and with many of its big cities already occupied, Mexico was defensless and therefore forced into signing a treaty on this day, which gave us control of what is now Texas, and established the Rio-Grande river border between the U.S and mexico, This was a big leap in our country's nationalism.