The democracy of the U.S was growing largely and there needed to be equal rights for everyone. A number of political parties, including the Democratic, the Whig, the American, the Free Soil, and the Republican Parties all came together to make our country a better whole. -
Period: to
National Expansions and Reforms
Pre-Civil War African American Slavery
Slavery had began to die down in years before this and werent as common. Soon again in the 1820's slaves had gotten more common and were worked harder in the South. -
Election of Andrew Jackson
William Lloyd, a newspaperman by trade started the Liberator in 1831 and founded, with the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833. His statement in the Liberator’s first issue gives a sense of his determination. This issue blew until abolitionists were able to persuade Congress to change it. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights and the expansion of suffering men kept it goin. Soon Virginia, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Massachusetts replaced their churches with religious freedoms like the other states. -
The Adventures of an Overland Journey to California
Some of the experiences Alonco had during his journey and what events took place on the trail -
Travelng on the Overland Trail
Many individuals traveled from Oregon and California and from then, the country grew and they made many discoveries. When thye were traveling to Oregon or California, the emigrants found that overland travel was difficult and came with many challanges. -
Many Catholics immigrated to the United States during the Irish potato famines of the 1840s and 1850s. People suffered persecution from nativist groups who feared and disagreed with their religion. They were also joined by emigrating Germans, the Catholics soon built their own churches, parochial schools, and seminaries -
Discovery of Gold
The discovery of gold, was found in now known as California. Cotton was also found and that tied Americans to slavery. -
War with Mexico
Luzena Wilson's View of the Overland Trek
People were traveing from Eas to West and there is a section from Luzena Wilson that describes the higuhs and lows of what happened during the travel. -
Slave Life
Slaves lived all together in small homes. This is where they would be sold and traded to white owners who would have them do work, such as working in the cotton fields. -
Women with equal rights
Sarah and Angelina Grimke, who demanded women’s rights, were from the South. Propertied women had voted in New Jersey for thirty-three years after the Revolution, but they lost that right when citizenship became less defined by property and more by independence and the law denied women. -
Franklin Pierce re-elected President
Slavery is abolished in the District of Columbia
Oregon admitted as State
Born Into Slavery
Slaves didnt chose to live this way, most people were born into it. Slaves had to work in the cotton fields for long hours, and most were forced to do this instead od going to school. -
Overall, this time period was a very hard time for slaves. Even though our country was begining to grow so was slavery. In the first few years slavery wasnt as common and wssnt needed as much. As the years went by more people began to own slaves. A few years later slavery ended.