Ford 2

Only President Never Elected

By lukeb1
  • Becoming Vice President

    Becoming Vice President
    Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns because he had accepted bribes. So, President Richard Nixon needed a new Vice President. He chose Ford because he was an honest and upright man. Congress confirmed Ford for his new job.
  • Becoming the President Without a Vote

    Becoming the President Without a Vote
    Richard Nixon was forced to resign because there was a lot of evidence that he was part of the Watergate Scandal. They had broken into the Democratic offices trying to get information from their opponents. Nixon could have been impeached if he did not resign. Gerald Ford was now the President of the United States and no one had voted for him. Ford is the only President who was never elected Vice President or President. He asked the people of the United States to pray for him.
  • Pardoning Nixon

    Pardoning Nixon
    On September 8,1974, the American people found out that Richard Nixon would not face any penalty for his part in the Water Gate Scandal. Gerald Ford gave Nixon a full pardon which meant that Nixon did not have to go on trial or jail. The American people got angry at Ford for giving Nixon a pardon.
  • The End of the Vietnam War

    The End of the Vietnam War
    On April 23, 1975, President Gerald Ford ended the United States involvement in the Vietnam war. Seven days later, South Vietnam fell to the communists. At that time, it was the longest war for the United States.
  • Rescue of the SS Mayaguez

    Rescue of the SS Mayaguez
    Cambodia captured an American cargo ship, the SS Mayaguez, on May 12, 1975. Gerald Ford quickly responded and sent the U.S. Marines to save the ship. Forty U.S. soldiers died but saved 39 crew members. Ford's quick response showed the world not to bully the United States.
  • Assassination Attempts

    On September 5, 1975, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme tried to shoot the President in Sacramento, California. Thankfully, one of his agents grabbed the gun. Seventeen days later, Sara Jane Moore, tried to shoot Ford again in San Francisco. A retired marine saved his life by deflecting the shot but it bounced off a wall and injured a taxi driver. Both women were sentenced to life in prison for trying to kill the President.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act Signed

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act Signed
    Ford signed into law The Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This created the opportunity for all students with disabilities to get any education. For the first time, school programs were created for the blind, deaf, and mentally challenged.
  • Apple Computer Released

    Apple Computer Released
    The apple computer went on sale for the first time in July 1976. It was invented by Steve Wazniak and Steve Jobs. This was the first computer sold by the Apple company. It Sold for $666.66.