Nathaniel Savel Timeline

  • Intimacy vs isolation - John

    John (age 22) moved into a home with his girlfriend Sammy (age 20) because they have decided to take their relationship a step further while already understanding themselves. The crisis is whether to stay emotionally close to someone or sticking by yourself and being very reclusive.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation - John

    John (age 44) decides to start coaching his son's basketball team. He does this because he is trying to make a mark in society and help the future generation. The crisis is between making your mark and stagnation which is being unable to find a way to contribute.
  • Ego Integrity vs Despair - John

    John (age 72) goes to his grandson's college graduation with his wife of 40 years and son feeling accomplished as he had worked as a doctor for 30 years, made a real difference in the world, and felt extremely satisfied. The crisis is between satisfaction in your life even though there are imperfections and regret and wishing you could change things in your life but it's too late.