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Nathaniel cox American revolution timeline project.

By coxns
  • Battle of lexington and Concord

    It was a brisith victory but the colonists killed way more people than the lost.
  • Battle of lexington and concord.

    Battle of lexington and concord.
    Americans won, gereral gage, shot herd around the world.
  • Period: to


  • Capture of fort Ticonderoga.

    Capture of fort Ticonderoga.
    Served as a key point of access to both canada and the hudson river valley during the french and indain war, British won.
  • Battle of bunker hill

    British won, william prescott, showed british it wouldent be a short fight. colonist's killed WAY more than they lost.
  • George washington named commander-in-cheif.

    George Washington, he ended up a hero.
  • American defeat at Quebec

    British won, patriot forces attemped to capture the british- occupied city of Quebec, the attack failed and Montgomery died.
  • Alliance with france

    French fought along side the americans from 1775 to 1783.
  • British evacuate Boston.

    Americans won, george washington led 800 soliders and 1200 workers to battle.
  • Second Contentain congress.

    Second Contentain congress.
    Thomas jefferson, Ben franklin, john hancock. Thinking about the two battles, the congress met in the state house ofphiladelphia. the new presedent of the contentail congress is John hancock.
  • Declaration of Independence issued.

    john adams, thomas jefferson, independence day is celebrated on july 4th but adams wanted it to be july 2.
  • The battle of Long island

    The battle of Long island
    British won, George washington sent 10,000 men, 300 died and 1400 went missing.
  • Battle of Trenton.

    Battle of Trenton.
    Americans won, geroge washington, tried to sneak attack.
  • Articles of Confederation.

    Agreement between the 13 states that made the usa a Confederation.
  • Battle of Brandywine

    Battle of Brandywine
    British win, Sir william howe. forced them to withdraw toward philidelphia.
  • British occupy Philadelphia.

    British marched in to philadelphia & feared the americans allies and fled. No winner.
  • Battle of saratoga.

    Battle of saratoga.
    Americans won, John burgoyne. led 8,000 men to fight and surrenderd.
  • Winter at Valley Forge.

    The sight of american military camp. 20 miles away from pennsylvania.
  • Battle of Manmouth court house.

    Battle of Manmouth court house.
    British wim, Cornwallis, washington. Patriots tried to sneak attack but were forced to fleed.
  • British occupy New York.

    British occupy New York.
    General William howe,howe wanted to take new york city then porgressed up the hudson river.
  • Fall of Savannah

    Fall of Savannah
    British win, Campbell. Accack muniet men.
  • Spain enters the war.

    Richard howe gives america another allie to fight the british.
  • French and British battle in Chsepeake Bay.

    French won, Thomas Graves, loss of soliders British defeated off the coast of virginia.
  • Benedict arnold treason discoverd.

    Benedict arnold treason discoverd.
    Benedict arnold, lost fort ticonderoga.
  • Seige of Charleston

    Seige of Charleston
    British won, henry clinton caaptured about 5000 americans.
  • Seige of Yorktown.

    Americans won, George Washington, enforced cornwallis to surrender.
  • Cornwallis surrenders.

    Americans won, Charles cornwallis, ended the American revolution.