Dragonattackbysigbjornpedersen d4sxkxg

Nathan, Chris, Drew, Alex

  • Sojourner Truth

    Sojourner Truth
    Gave her famous aint a woman speech in Akron Ohio
  • Abraham LIncoln

    Abraham LIncoln
    He gave the Emancipation Proclamaiton.
  • Paul Lawrence Dunbar

    Paul Lawrence Dunbar
    Ohio native Paul Lawrence Dunbar published lyrics of a lowly life.

    NAACP was founded
  • Tuskegee Airmen

    Tuskegee Airmen
    The first training of Tuskegee Airmen
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Was the first African American to play major leauge baseball
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks refused to give up a bus seat
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    He became a Supreme Court Juctice.
  • Barak Obama

    Barak Obama
    Obama was eleceted president