• Ben Franklins “Join of Die”
ben franklin politcal cartoon can mean alot to one person . it basically means that if we dont get togther as americans we are all goign to breack up and not have a good use. it also meant that if we didnt band togther the british would take over us and we would never have a say in what we want, we will alwyas have a monarchy and never will be able to try a democracy or even have our own repersation, which is very unfair. this is a very important message it really helped the colonist . -
• The French and Indian War
the freanch and indian war was before the revoltuinary war. it was when he british and the colonist were still buddies eand evryhting was fine the trade market was doing good and evryone was mostluy happy. That is untill king George just had to get more omeny to he did it in the most simple way he could do it..... by putting taxes on everyhting he could think of that was traded with. this started a lot of mayhem, this started the pharse colonist would yell" no taxation wihtout reperstaion". -
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the aweosme american timeline
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• The Stamp Act
the stamp act was a tax the put taxes on all printed goods such as newspapers, playing cards, and legal documents. this was the first tax that great britian put on the colonist. the reason king george taxed them was because after the french and indian war the british lost alot of money and thought is was really only fair that they pay them back. this act really made the colonist upset so the colonist started doing mobes in cetral boston and started boycotting. -
• The Boston Massacre
the boston masscare occured in boston. many patriots made up a diffrent versions of what happened but, what really happened was that the colonist were agarvaiting the british soilders to start something up. they did this by throwing snowballs at them but they were regular snowballs they were made out of seashells, mud,snow. the british silder were standing in front of the conetinatal congress meeting area. they were standing in fornt of it so that the congress couldnt get inside. -
boston tea party
the boston tea party was yet another big part oof history the reason it was so big in history was because i was basically the first huge big boycott , it affected alot i in the british economy because all that tea was watsed and it was thrown into the water this was the signal to king george that he needs to change what he was doing or he needed to stabilize the colonist or he was going to lose some of his subject to the throne and he was going to lose alot of money. -
• The Intolerable Acts
the intolerable acts was the rules that britan was putting over the colonist. most of these tolerable acts were put around boston, because that is where many protest happen and boycotting for example in boston alone the boston massacre occured, the boston tea party, the patriaos who lived in boston ran out the govern of their town they though he was very loyal to them and the cause they had ut turns out his was actutaly a loyalist he wasnt loyal to them he was loyal to great britian. -
• The Quartering Act
the quaetering act was a rule that was made by king george. it was a rule stating that the colonist must shelter and feed britsh troops that were walking around making sure nothing happen in boston. this act also upseted the colonist alot because they were gainst what he britsh troops were doing and now thye had to treat them like guest and must obey or they will suffer consquences. another problem that the colonist had with this was that the soilders where very mean to the colonist. -
• Meeting of the First Continental Congress
the meeting of the first connetical congress was basically one sided becuase alot of the repensetives were men who only wanted peace so they wouldnt listen to the obvious reasoning that we cant just send out a treaty and automatically expect everything to go back to normal. they came up with a stragey to opppose congress, they decided they needed to come togther if they wanted to win, and they decided the most "peacefull way" was to end trade. -
• The formation of the Continental Army
the formation of the connetinetal army was a very important part of history. the reason it was so important was becaus ethese men were trained now by George Washingotn so now these men know what to do when faced with battle. i dont think everyone was so confident with this becaus ethy knew how powerfull the british army is. the british army has never lost a war . thatis why training was so important for the army or miltias. -
• Meeting of the Second Continental Congress
the meeting of the second conetnital congress was debating between a very big choice wether to stay loyal with britian and all their taxes or to declare their indeoendence from them. i think tha t thye made a ood desicion to declare thier independence becaus eif we stayed with great britna i bet we probably would of still growed to be as big as britian today but we would still be under britian's rulling and we would still be a monarchy. so queen elizbeth would be our queen if we didnt set free -
• The Olive Branch Petition
the olive brach petiton was a treaty with great britian. it asked for peace between the two lands, it also asked britian to drop the taxes the put on the 13 colonines the act was opposed and ignored by great britian. thus in return the connetinal congress weighed their options of eitheir breaking away from britian and declaring their independence or staying with great britian and dealing with all thier taxes. the colonist decided to break away form great britian for doing intolerable acts. -
• Signing of the Declaration of Independence
the signing of the declaration of independence was a way the colonist could use to show great britian that they can declare thei rindepnedence agins t them and they can rule thie rown country without the trading form them. When this happened great britian was very mad and the declared war on them King George was not going ot lose a part of his land that he found. even tough he techinaclly never found that land and had no real power over them since they weren't in britian. -
Thomas Paine “Common Sense”
thomas paine pamplet of common sense was directed to the british. Thomas paine was trying to show King george that waht he is doing is very wrong and that he needs to stop. the pamplet showed what damge King george has been causing to the colonist. It listed how the stampact and the quatering act and the intolerable acts where affecting the colonist. -
• The Articles of Confederation
the articles of confederdation was basically like a promise to the colonist the promise they had was they were goign to secure their rights and make the new world safe fun and easy to live in. obviously if your going to make a new country you are going to have some guidelines to it to make the place safe for everyone. :) -
• Treaty of Paris 1783
the treaty of paris was a understanding from both th ecolonist and the europeans. it basically seceared them in telling that thye wont try to take their land in return for something. That something was trade. i think the british should of done this with the colonist so they can still trade with them while thye had their own land. i think that king george was being really fruastrating i dont think he was a easy guy to work with at all.