Cuyahoga River
Cleveland's Cuyahoga River caught fire and burned for the 10th time from industrial waste. This is when modern American Environmental Movement began. -
First Earth Day
Late 1970's movement
A movement caused by the increase of environmental threats created by the disposal of toxic waste increased -
Worldwide problems
Ozone depletion and global warming became a worldwide problem -
Philp Shabecoff
"We have been acting out the classic cartoon image of a man sitting on the branch of a tree and sawing it behind him." This is a good quote that shows the public what they are doing. -
Movement was stalled
Reagan dropped the environmental conservation and pollution laws. -
Period: to
Toxic Waste
700 families had been exposed to toxic waste deposited by Hooker Chemical company near Niagara Falls -
Planet of the Year
Earth was launched as Time Magazines "Planet of the Year" -
Period: to
Acts are passed
The congress passed Coastal Barriers Resources Act and Nuclear Waste Policy Act -
Endangered Species Act
Congress amends Endangered Species Act to allow Tellico Dam to be built. -
Massive Industrial Accident
Massive gas leek took place in Bhopal, India which is considered the world worst Industrial Accident. -
Nuclear Calamity at Chernobyl
Scientists leaned about how dangerous the ozone hole is and the effects of global warming. -
George W. Bush
George W. Bush was the 41 President of the US, and he promised to be the "Environmental President" -
Earth had taken on ABC who ran a two hour documentary on Earth Day -
Oil population Act
The act was passed -
Pollution Prevention Act is passed
Period: to
1990s to present day
Earth Summit
The U.N. met with 108 states to set a goal to save the Earth -
New Congress
Congress curbed environmental regulations -
Environmental Justice
Clinton told the federal actions to address environmental justice in minority populations -
Acts are passed
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act were all passed to stop pesticide use. -
The effects of 9/11
As many people know 9/11 really hit and effected the United States. What people don't know is that it also effected the globe by focusing on fighting terrorism and not pollution. -
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act
With all these acts being passed it also brought attention on how much pesticide can be left in the food. -
Iceburgs and Hurricanes
The icebergs melting and having more hurricanes brought attention back to the environment and how we can understand it better. -
George W. Bush to the rescue!
George W. Bush signed the Energy Independence Act which helped the decrease in nonrenewable resources. -
Largest Oil Spill
The largest oil spill is known as the BP that happened on April 10, 2010. It took two months to stop the oil. -
Donald Trump
"I'm a very big person when it comes to the environment"
This is important because it shows Trumps response on how he feels about environmentalism