Natalia Rivera Environmentalism Summative

By nrivera
  • Cuyahoga River

    Cuyahoga River
    Cleveland's Cuyahoga River caught fire and burned for the 10th time from industrial waste. This is when modern American Environmental Movement began.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
  • Late 1970's movement

    A movement caused by the increase of environmental threats created by the disposal of toxic waste increased
  • Worldwide problems

    Ozone depletion and global warming became a worldwide problem
  • Philp Shabecoff

    Philp Shabecoff
    "We have been acting out the classic cartoon image of a man sitting on the branch of a tree and sawing it behind him." This is a good quote that shows the public what they are doing.
  • Movement was stalled

    Reagan dropped the environmental conservation and pollution laws.
  • Period: to


  • Toxic Waste

    Toxic Waste
    700 families had been exposed to toxic waste deposited by Hooker Chemical company near Niagara Falls
  • Planet of the Year

    Planet of the Year
    Earth was launched as Time Magazines "Planet of the Year"
  • Period: to


  • Acts are passed

    The congress passed Coastal Barriers Resources Act and Nuclear Waste Policy Act
  • Endangered Species Act

    Endangered Species Act
    Congress amends Endangered Species Act to allow Tellico Dam to be built.
  • Massive Industrial Accident

    Massive Industrial Accident
    Massive gas leek took place in Bhopal, India which is considered the world worst Industrial Accident.
  • Nuclear Calamity at Chernobyl

    Nuclear Calamity at Chernobyl
  • Discovering

    Scientists leaned about how dangerous the ozone hole is and the effects of global warming.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush was the 41 President of the US, and he promised to be the "Environmental President"
  • Hollywood

    Earth had taken on ABC who ran a two hour documentary on Earth Day
  • Oil population Act

    Oil population Act
    The act was passed
  • Pollution Prevention Act is passed

  • Period: to

    1990s to present day

  • Earth Summit

    The U.N. met with 108 states to set a goal to save the Earth
  • New Congress

    Congress curbed environmental regulations
  • Environmental Justice

    Clinton told the federal actions to address environmental justice in minority populations
  • Acts are passed

    Acts are passed
    The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act were all passed to stop pesticide use.
  • The effects of 9/11

    The effects of 9/11
    As many people know 9/11 really hit and effected the United States. What people don't know is that it also effected the globe by focusing on fighting terrorism and not pollution.
  • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act

    Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act
    With all these acts being passed it also brought attention on how much pesticide can be left in the food.
  • Iceburgs and Hurricanes

    Iceburgs and Hurricanes
    The icebergs melting and having more hurricanes brought attention back to the environment and how we can understand it better.
  • George W. Bush to the rescue!

    George W. Bush signed the Energy Independence Act which helped the decrease in nonrenewable resources.
  • Largest Oil Spill

    Largest Oil Spill
    The largest oil spill is known as the BP that happened on April 10, 2010. It took two months to stop the oil.
  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump
    "I'm a very big person when it comes to the environment"
    This is important because it shows Trumps response on how he feels about environmentalism