Free Officers' coup
‘Egyptian Revolution; Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) established by Free Officers/Nasser; limited land redistribution scheme started -
Egypt proclaimed a republic
All political parties banned. Nasser calls for ‘national Union’ to heal the divisive nature of parliamentary politics! Liberation Rally created. -
. Nasser forced General Naguib to resign and Nasser becomes president
Muslim Brotherhood assassination attempt on Nasser fails. Nasser clamps down on Muslim brotherhood
Czech arms deal signed
IDF attack on Egyptian held Gaza
Baghdad Pact (only Turkey, Iran and Iraq joined); Nasser joined first non-aligned conference -
USA and GB cancel Aswan dam loans. Nasser nationalises the Suez Canal
Suez Crisis and war
Nasser recognises communist China
Treaty of Arab Solidarity signed
(Egypt, Syria, Jordan Saudi Arabia) -
IDF withdrew from Sinai Peninsula
(USA persuaded). -
United Arab Republic established
The United Arab Republic was a sovereign state in the Middle East from 1958 until 1961. It was initially a short-lived political union between Egypt (including the governance of Gaza) and Syria from 1958 until Syria seceded from the union following the 1961 Syrian coup d'état. -
Iraqi army/Ba’athists overthrew Iraqi monarchy – with Nasser’s help – declaring itself a republic
with Nasser’s help – declaring itself a republic -
Yasser Arafat sets up Fatah in Quwait
Nasser starts first 5 Year Plan
US presidential election – JFK wins. -
Socialist Laws introduced & ‘July Decrees’ introduced
Syrian army coup leads to ending of UAR with Egypt.
JFK assassinated
Arab League Conference held, PLO set up
Nasser established PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) to represent the Palestinian people in their struggle for the ‘liberation of Palestine’ (i.e. Israel!) Yasser Arafat and Fatah are a loose canon, and Nasser undermines Yasser Arafat's power by creating the PLO, and he puts a pro Egyptian Palestinian in charge, as well as taking control of it. -
First raid by Yasser Arafat’s Fatah into Israel
New, radical and aggressive government comes to power in Syria
demanded ‘revolutionary struggle’ against Israel + stepped up support for PLO/Yasser Arafat -
Nasser signs defence pact with Syria
raised tensions on Syrian-Israeli border
Egypt moved 100,000 troops into Sinai desert & closed Straits of Tiran & Egypt signed a defence pact with Jordan
new, more aggressive Israeli government formed
Start of the 6 day war
The Arabs lose, and Nasser's political position is undermined -
Arab League Conference held in Khartoum
the ‘Three Nos’ (no to peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel and no negotiation with Israel) -
UN Resolution 242 passed
United Nations passed UN Resolution 242, which called for Israel's withdrawal from the territories it had captured in the war in exchange for lasting peace -
height of Vietnam war for USA
Arafat becomes chair of the PLO
Undermines Nasser's power within the Palestinian nationalist movement. -
Period: to
War of Attrition. Fighting across the Suez Canal.
Nasser dies :(
Arab nationalism/Pan-Arabism seen to have failed and lost its appeal as a unifying force for all Arabs; Vacuum left by Arab nationalisms decline would be filled by radical, or Political Islam in late 1970s/early 1980s…