monky in space
they sent a monky in space to see if it was possible to send a man into space. -
Period: to
nasa space race
first dog in space
the dog was sent to space to see if it was possible to send someone to space -
sputnick 1
It was made to intimidate and scare the us showing that they as the russians are better. -
NASA is founded
NASA the new program all about space and it's mystery's has just opened. -
first man to orbit the erath
Now it is finally possible for man to go into space. -
first us man in space
Yuri Gargarin is launched into space and this amazing acomplishment is so important because it lets the us know space travel is possible. -
first us man to orbit the earth.
US men are have finally learned how to send men into space. -
first women launched into space
The first Russian woman is launched into.This brittens the future for women and astonautics. -
First space walk
NASA has gotten the first man ever to walk in space this brittens the future for future space transportation. -
Gemini 7
Gemini 7 is on a space mission to do many experiments for future space travel and succesfully completes all these missions. -
apollo 8
Astronauts have flown to the moon and back demonstating a translur interjection -
First us man on the moon
Neil armstrong has succesfully landed on the moon letting the us know that planets can be walked on. -
first us sattelite succesfully launched
the first us sattelite is succesfully launched into space. This now lets the future advance much more quickly in weather and future technology.