NASA/Spacex Timeline

By 203225
  • Deep Impact

    Deep Impact
    NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft was a flyby spacecraft created to learn more about the composition of comets. Its crash with Tempel 1 made the spacecraft famous and found evidence of water and icy materials. This helped researchers learn more about the Earth's past.
  • Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

    Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
    NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter was created to observe Mars's atmosphere and terrain. The orbiter utilizes powerful and high-definition cameras to take images of the Martian surface which has contributed to many scientific advancements.
  • Pheonix

    NASA's Pheonix Lander was a Mars rover dedicated to searching for past microbial life. The lander could dig up half a meter into the ground and analyze samples with instruments onboard. It ended communication six months after it landed on schedule.
  • Dawn

    NASA's Dawn spacecraft orbited Ceres and Vesta (a dwarf planet and protoplanet respectively) and collected significant information about the formation of our solar system and the processes that shape it. The spacecraft is still in orbit today, but its mission is over and it has lost all of its fuel.
  • Juno

    NASA's Juno spacecraft was created to explore Jupiter by looking past the planet's signature clouds. The spacecraft collected three terabits of vital information about the gas giant using various scientific instruments.
  • Curiosity Rover

    Curiosity Rover
    NASA's Curiosity Rover was created to determine if Mars ever supported microbial life. The robot was equipped with a miniaturized laboratory to analyze samples collected from the red planet.
  • Insight

    NASA's Insight rover was created to measure the inner workings of Mars, such as its crust, mantle, and core. By learning more about Mars, we can understand how all of the terrestrial planets were formed. This rover uses modern technology to detect seismic patterns underneath Mars's crust and utilizes sensors to detect the planet's heat flow.
  • Perseverance Rover

    Perseverance Rover
    NASA's Perseverance Rover is the fifth rover sent by NASA to Mars and is part of the organization's Mars Exploration Program. This rover searches Mars for evidence of historic life, by probing the Jezero Crater and by utilizing cutting-edge technologies like the coring drill included on its arm.