Nasa Explorations

  • United States:Explorer1

    Explorer 1 was the United States' first satellite in space. The 1958 launch of the satellite twice the size of a basketball was an important moment for the country, as the Space Race with the Sovient
  • The first American to explore space: Freedom 7

    Alan Shephard became the first American astronaut to orbit the earth in 1961. He left earth on 1961 and was NASA’s entry into exploring the field of human
  • To Walk on the Moon: Apollo 11

    President Kennedy, within 20 days of Alan Shephard’s orbiting the Earth announced that NASA’s biggest achievement till that date had to be America going to the Moon. It was then that NASA initiated the Apollo program. Apollo 1 was launched in 1967 but ended in a disaster when all 3 astronauts died in a fire on the launch pad. Followed by 9 missions to test the viability, finally Apollo 11 was a success. Neil Armstrong landed on the surface of the moon on 1969 making him the 1st man on the moon
  • The First Reusable spacecraft : The space shuttle

    The Apollo rockets by the NASA were single use and with the tragedy that happened to Apollo 13, NASA had its astronauts and engineers brainstorm on coming up with a reusable space craft. NASA came up with a basic design of two solid rocket boosters attached to an orbiter module and an external fuel tank to perhaps permit an indefinite number of missions to be carried out by using the same Spacecraft.
  • A brilliant Mission Control: Apollo 13

    An achievement is not always about inventions but a bigger achievement is damage control after one of the biggest damage in the then space technology passed off without killing the people onboard. Apollo 13 which was heading for the moon in 1970 with three astronauts onboard faced an almost inescapable tragedy when an oxygen tank blew up leading the second to malfunction. Left with almost no resources to sustain life outside your planet,
  • A Flight to Jupiter: Pioneer 10

    There is no denying the fact that if it enables you to go to the planet of Jupiter, it has to be a breakthrough achievement of NASA. The Pioneer 10 was the first man made objects to enter the realms of another planet, and well the planet being the largest in the Milky Way galaxy is another thing altogether. Launched in 1972 until 1997, it paved way for some real admirable goals of the space technology
  • Unveiling the Universe : Hubble Space Telescope

    An invention which has continued to be an important one from 1990 continuing till the present. The NASA brought along the Hubble space telescope to replace the old light telescope which gave only a very vague image of space.
  • Earthly robot on the Red Planet: The Mars Pathfinder

    The Mars Pathfinder in 1996-97 was more of an experiment to send an unmanned mission to experience the conditions of the Red Planet. It was to test the viability of an unmanned mission in order to explore at outside planet. It consisted of a Lander module alongside a rover module with an objective of making it through Mars’ atmosphere
  • To Live in Space: International Space Station

    Human body isn’t designed to survive what space has to offer us. Long manned missions to space were sure a reality but to explore further into the solar system was a quest not many could even distantly think of overcoming obstacles for. It was then that NASA came with its breakthrough idea of the International Space Station. It was sure not the first space station, but most definitely the most equipped.
  • A view into the High Energy Universe: Chandra X-ray observatory

    Another great gift that NASA gave to the world in 1999 is the super sensitive X-Ray telescope that enables an individual to see what none has before. It is even possible to witness the split second in which the small space particles disappearing into the black hide. What was breakthrough about this invention was that it worked on a phenomenon different from the light telescopes. They rely more on high energy particle than the visible light to form the image and record of energy
  • Space Shuttle Columbia disaster

    During the launch of STS-107, Columbia's 28th mission, a piece of foam insulation broke off from the Space Shuttle external tank and struck the left wing of the orbiter. A few previous shuttle launches had seen damage ranging from minor to nearly catastrophic from foam shedding but some engineers suspected that the damage to Columbia was more serious
  • SpaceShipOne

    SpaceShipOne is an experimental air-launched rocket-powered aircraft with sub-orbital spaceflight capability at speeds of up to 900 MPH using a hybrid rocket motor. The design features a unique "feathering" atmospheric reentry system where the rear half of the wing and the twin tail booms folds 70 degrees upward along a hinge running the length of the wing; increasing drag while remaining stable. SpaceShipOne completed the first manned private spaceflight in 2004
  • Atlas V

    Atlas V is an expendable launch system in the Atlas rocket family. It was formerly operated by Lockheed Martin and is now operated by United Launch Alliance (ULA), a joint venture with Boeing. Each Atlas V rocket uses a Russian-built RD-180 engine burning kerosene and liquid oxygen to power its first stage and an American-built RL10 engine burning liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to power its Centaur upper stage.
  • The revolutionary ion engine that took spacecraft to Ceres

    The NASA spacecraft Dawn has spent more than seven years travelling across the Solar System to intercept the asteroid Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres. Now in orbit around Ceres, the probe has returned the first images and data from these distant objects. But inside Dawn itself is another first – the spacecraft is the first exploratory space mission to use an electrically-powered ion engine rather than conventional rockets.
  • Asteroid Gets Its Close-Up. And It Really Is an Oddball.

    New Horizons has been beaming flyby data and imagery home to its handlers ever since, and will continue to do so for approximately another 18 months. The early returns have been spectacular, revealing Ultima Thule to be a weird, snowman-pancake hybrid with mysterious features, such as a bright "collar' where the body's two lobes meet.
  • Colonies on Mars

    Nasa has mange to find a way to make living on mars possible.
  • The force Awaken: Hyperspace

    Nasa and Space X team up to make hyperspace a real way to travel it helps with mission and makes the go faster.
  • Discovery of new alien species

    These alien live on planet J-26 and are very friendly like human they speak English and are very welcoming
  • Alien Invasion

    There was a new species that attack earth with laser and ray guns it was terrible lucking the folks from J-26 help and stopped the invasion.
  • The Jetson`s style living

    Now a Days you will see floating houses out in space ,space cars and trucks roaming the interstellar highway