Narrabeen Man

  • 50,000 BCE

    Earliest Evidence of Aboriginal people in Australia

    Earliest Evidence of Aboriginal people in Australia
    Evidence was found in Western Australia of a cave that seemed to have been a shelter that was used for times when the people went out for hunting. The way they figured it out was the cave had dietary fauna.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Mungo Lady and Mungo Man

    Mungo Lady and Mungo Man
    They were people who were found in Lake Mungo 3. The place is inhabitable so no was able to survive. They were very old so they died.
  • 3300 BCE

    Otzi the Iceman

    Otzi the Iceman
    Otzi was man who died because he got frozen in a glacier of ice. Because he was frozen all his body fluids got drained out. and that is how he died.
  • 3000 BCE

    Mesopotamian Cuneiform

    Mesopotamian Cuneiform
    Mesopotamian Cuneiform is a type of writing that was very special and it stood out because it was one of the most significant. It was also one of the advanced writing used.
  • 2500 BCE

    Great Pyramid in Egypt

    Great Pyramid in Egypt
    The Great Pyramid of Egypt is the oldest and largest Pyramid in Egypt. Some of the greatest tombs are inside of the pyramid that's another reason its really well known.
  • 2000 BCE

    Narrabeen Man Death

    Narrabeen Man Death
    Sydney, New South Wales, Bus stop on Ocean street.
  • 2000 BCE

    Narrabeen Man

    Narrabeen Man
    Man was digging up pipes and found bones thinking this was from a murder recently but it was actually the Narrabeen Man from a couple centuries ago. The Narrabeen man was speared to death for breaking laws or that is the theory.
  • Federation in Australia

    Federation in Australia
    Federation in Australia was when Australia United together and became a Commonwealth. This all happened because the people thought they did't have enough rights.
  • Canberra becomes Australia capital

    Canberra becomes Australia capital
    This was the day that Australia got their capital which runs all of Australia.
  • 100 years since federation

    100 years since federation
    ON 2001 on new years day everyone celebrated that it had been a 100 years since Federation because Federation is the day we became a Commonwealth.
  • My birth Date

    The day I came into the world.
  • My oldest memory

    The oldest memory that I can remember is when I was 3 years old and my mum had some friends over and they were building her office table.
  • My 9th Birthday Party

    My mum invited all of the School of the Air Students ( 60 or 70 people) to my birthday party.
  • Going to my first real school

    When I was 9 years old I stopped Home Schooling and moved to my first real school. Westminster.