Napoleons Reign

  • Coup D' etat

    Coup D' etat
    On November 9th, 1799, Napoleon participated in a Coup D'etat. He overthrew The Directory which was the old form of government in France. He then formed a new republic that was named the consulate. This is a political achievement because he not only creates a new form of government, he also makes himself the first consul of the consulate. This event is often seen as the last impactful event of the French Revolution.
  • Napoleons National Bank

    Napoleons National Bank
    On January 1st, 1800, Napoleon developed a national bank. He did this to stabilize the economic situation due to the French Revolution. This system promoted the recovery of France, this is both an economic achievement and a social reform, changing France economically and socially.
  • Napoleon Crossing The Alps/ Battle Of Morengo

    Napoleon Crossing The Alps/ Battle Of Morengo
    On May 15th, 1800, Napoleon led his army across the Alps. After arriving at the location on June 14th they started to take action. They began to battle with Austrian forces. This battle secured Napoleon's position as the first consul, as he claimed the victory of this battle. This battle was a huge military achievement for Napoleon.
  • Concordat Of 1801

    Concordat Of 1801
    This event was an agreement between Napoleon and church representatives. This compromise was about defending the Catholic Church, solidifying this as the religion of the majority. While this gave a lot of power to the Church, Napoleon still had many things leaning in his favor such as choosing the bishops and handling the financing. This can be both social reform and economic accomplishment. This being because of the changes regarding the Catholic Churches and Napoleon handling the finances.
  • The Reform Of The French Education System

    The Reform Of The French Education System
    Napoleon modernized the french education system, he is the reason it is the way it is today. He began by building schools and specializing them for different groups of kids. Technical schools, Military schools, and Service schools were regulated by the state. Napoleon put an emphasis on traditional military values when setting these rules into place. This social reform was then popularized and revolutionized over time.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Napoleon owned the whole Lousiana territory at one point, he made the choice to sell the area. He needed money for the Great French War, they could also no longer defend Louisiana. This was an accomplishment for Napoleon because he profited off of this event and made a smart economic tactic.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    This code was developed by Napoleon in an attempt to make men and their families come closer together and to secure their rights. This code declared all men equal, despite their hierarchy. This gave freedom of choice to men, while also abolishing feudalism. This code was a social reform, establishing change for the people of France. The code was revolutionized overtime in France, but Napoleon was the creator of it all.
  • Napoleon Crowns Himself The Emperor Of France

    Napoleon Crowns Himself The Emperor Of France
    Napoleon made a bold move when declaring himself emperor. This displayed his dominance over France. This was a Political achievement as a show of strength. He did this to assure alliances and make sure he was held to the highest authority in France.
  • Joseph Bonaparte Appointed King

    Joseph Bonaparte Appointed King
    Napoleon appointed his brother, joseph. He wanted more family power and control when appointing his other family members including his brother. After becoming the king of Naples, Joseph was soon crowned the king of Spain. This was a political accomplishment, making sure his family is involved and expanding his control in neighboring countries.
  • Battle Of Frieland

    Battle Of Frieland
    This battle was the result of indecisiveness in a battle that had happened earlier that year, The battle of Eylau. The French troops ended up defeating the Russians, resulting in an important military achievement. This resulted in the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of The confederation of the Rhine.
  • Napoleon Divorces Josephine

    Napoleon Divorces Josephine
    While eating dinner with his wife, Napoleon breaks the news to Josephine and lets her know he doesn't want to be with her anymore. He told her he wants a wife who would give birth to a male heir. He wanted to divorce for the greater good of France. This was a political achievement for Napoleon because he had wanted an heir to satisfy his familial image. He had gotten a divorce with his wife for the people of France, he wanted them to have a proper heir to carry on his legacy.
  • Napoleon Marches On belgium

    Napoleon Marches On belgium
    Turns out it was not the end for Napoleon. When exiled for the first time, he escaped and took control of France once again. In June of 1815, Napoleon and his forces marched into Belgium where several troops were camped. He defeated the Prussians. This was a Military success. Although, after this battle, Napoleon loses his 100-day reign after being beat in the Battle Of Waterloo a few days later. This event was the last of his Military achievements.
  • How Napoleon Bonaparte Should Be Remembered

    How Napoleon Bonaparte Should Be Remembered
    From leading troops through war to revolutionizing the French infrastructure, Napoleon Bonaparte should be remembered as a hero with flawed morals. He was a strategic leader who made bold choices also improving France with smart economic and social reforms. He took control of France twice during his reign, he always had a plan and knew how to execute it. Although sometimes, he had faulty actions, for example, The Napoleonic Code. This code was influential, however, It only benefited white men.