Napoleons Achievements

  • Napoleon demonstrated exceptional skills in the siege of toulon

    Napoleon demonstrated exceptional skills in the siege of toulon
    Napoleon showed great skill with his keen manoeuvres and understanding of the terrain. He captured a hill from where the republican guns dominated the battle. The British were eventually forced to flee and the port fell soon afterwards.
  • Napoleon led the French to victory in the Italian campaign

    Napoleon led the French to victory in the Italian campaign
    Napoleons's army captured 150,000 prisoners, 540 cannons and 170 standards. They extracted an estimated $45 million in funds from Italy, another $12 million in precious metals and over three-hundred priceless paintings and sculptures.
  • Napoleon became the head of the republican government (first consul)in France

    Napoleon became the head of the republican government (first consul)in France
    Napoleon was made first consul for ten years confirming it by the new Constitution of the Year VIII and vetting it with a popular vote of over 300,000 votes in his favor.
  • The concordant

    The concordant
    During the Revolution the Church was a frequent victim of revolutionary justice. The Revolutionaries
    confiscated church lands and money. The Concordant gave the Catholic Church status as the official state church and allowed religious freedom for Catholics.
  • Napoleon established himself as a military genius

    Napoleon established himself as a military genius
    Napoleon's Battle of Austerlitz brought the Third Coalition to a rapid end and it is regarded as the greatest victory ever achieved by Napoleon and his Grande Armée, which established napoleons as a military genius.
  • Napoleon's Napoleon code was a template around the world

    Napoleon's Napoleon code was a template around the world
    The Napoleonic Code was used by many nations who wanted to move towards modernization through legal reforms. It has been called one of the few documents to have influenced the whole world.
  • Napoleon's code abolished privileges based on birth

    Napoleon's code abolished privileges based on birth
    The code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs will go to the ones who are most qualified.
  • Napoleon reformed the commercial and industrial sectors

    Napoleon reformed the commercial and industrial sectors
    Napoleon reformed the commercial and industrial sectors making trade restrictions more amiable and providing support for trade.
  • Napoleon reduced the rate of unemployment

    Napoleon reduced the rate of unemployment
    Napoleon encouraged small businesses providing loans from the Central Bank of France and reduced the rate of unemployment.
  • Napoleon laid the foundation for modern French education

    Napoleon laid the foundation for modern French education
    Napoleon made a number of state secondary schools, known as lycees, which were to standardize education across France. Napoleon had aimed to build a strong and modern France focusing on science, math, military and political sciences.
  • Napoleon the battle of Wagram and broke the fifth coalition against france

    Napoleon the battle of Wagram and broke the fifth coalition against france
    Napoleon planned for 6 weeks and then finally won a decisive victory in the bloody Battle of Wagram with Charles signing an armistice with Napoleon and agreeing to end the war.
  • Napoleon made France the dominant power in all Europe

    Napoleon made France the dominant power in all Europe
    Napoleon's victories established Napoleon’s stronghold over most of Europe. Napoleon's empire extended over much of Europe. At its height, it had 130 departments and ruled over 70 million subjects. It maintained an extensive military presence in Germany, Italy, Spain and the Duchy of Warsaw, and could count Prussia and Austria as nominal allies. Napoleon made France the dominant power in much of continental Europe.