
Napoleonic Timeline

  • Napoleon performs the Coup D'etat

    Napoleon performs the Coup D'etat
    This is a political achievement. Napoleon performed a bloodless Coup D'etat and overthrew the directory government. He essentially ended the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon becomes first of three consuls

    Napoleon becomes first of three consuls
    This is a political achievement. Napoleon established a Consulate government after he ended the Directory. He was first of three consuls but ended up basically phasing the other two consuls out of history. The three were supposed to have equal power but Napoleon being first consul gained most of the power.
  • First bank in France

    First bank in France
    This is an economic success. Napoleon created the bank to help revive France's dying economy. After the strong recession of the revolution, the country's economy was in dire need of help.
  • Defeated Austrians at Marengo

    Defeated Austrians at Marengo
    This is a military success that later leads to a social reform. This was a very close call for the French, documents say it was a "narrow win" for Napoleon and his army.
  • Treaty of Luneville

    Treaty of Luneville
    This is a social reform. A product of the win in Marengo, a peace treaty was formed between the Austrians and France.
  • Concordat

    This is a social reform. The concordat made peace with the catholic church and named catholicism the official religion of France.
  • Keeping the stolen land

    Keeping the stolen land
    This is an economic success. As a result of the concordat, the French got to keep the land they stole from the church during the revolution.
  • Consul for life

    Consul for life
    This is a political success. Napoleon was crowned consul for life by the Sénat. This is permanent position granting him much more power.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    This is an economic success. This Louisiana Purchase cost the USA 15 million dollars. This is a huge economic win for France
  • Civil Code

    Civil Code
    This is a social reform. The civil code abolished feudalism and secured the right to property. All male citizens now had equal rights. Colonial slavery was reintroduced.
  • Battle of Friedland

    Battle of Friedland
    This is a military achievement. This win compensated for the previous loss at Battle of Eylau. This win also forced Russia into signing the Treaty of Tilsit
  • Napoleon is Emperor

    Napoleon is Emperor
    This is a political success. Napoleon crowned himself emperor in 1804. He invited the pope to crown him but instead of the pope putting the crown on his head he put the crown on his own head. He once again showed that he was above the church. By crowning him emperor changed the form of government in France back to basically a monarchy which is what they wanted to get rid of in the first place.
  • Victory at Austerlitz

    Victory at Austerlitz
    This is a military success. Napoleon and his army crushed the Russian and Austrian armies during this battle. They battled during 1805 before Austerlitz but this one was the one that made a social reform.
  • Peace treaty at Pressburg

    Peace treaty at Pressburg
    This is a social reform as a result of the Battle of Austerlitz. This makes peace between Austria and France once again.
  • Napoleon on Elba

    Napoleon on Elba
    This is an economic success. Napoleon made huge improvements in the infrastructure of Elba. Building roads, draining marshes, boosting agriculture and developing mines. Building roads means easier trade, boosting the agriculture means more things to trade.
  • The Battle of Ligny

    The Battle of Ligny
    This battle is important because it is the last military success Napoleon has in his military career. Though him and his troops won the battle it was a strategic failure.