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Napoleonic period

  • Coup d´etat of 1799

    Coup d´etat of 1799
    The Constitution of the Year VIII, drafted by Pierre Daunou and promulgated on December 25, 1799, established an authoritarian regime that concentrated power in the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte, supposedly to save the republic from a possible monarchical restoration.
  • Napoleon becomes emperor

    Napoleon becomes emperor
    the Sénat conservateur vested the Republican government of the French First Republic in an emperor, and preparations for a coronation followed. Napoleon's elevation to emperor was overwhelmingly approved by the French citizens in the French constitutional referendum of 1804.
  • The battle of Austeriltz

    The battle of Austeriltz
    pitted a French army led by Emperor Napoleon against the combined Russian-Austrian forces of Russian Tsar Alexander and Austrian Emperor Francis, in the context of the Napoleonic Wars. It was one of Napoleon's greatest victories, as the First French Empire definitively crushed the Third Coalition after almost nine hours of difficult combat. The battle is considered a tactical masterpiece of Napoleon, on par with Cannae or Gaugamela.
  • Peninsulan war

    Peninsulan war
    The British Army fought a war in the Iberian Peninsula against the invading forces of Napoleon's France. Aided by their Spanish and Portuguese allies. Napoleon lost the Peninsular War because he considered it less of a priority than other conflicts in Europe so he diverted soldiers and resources away from it.
  • Russian campaign

    Russian  campaign
    Napoleon initiated it with the aim of compelling the Russian Empire to comply with the continental blockade of the United Kingdom. he result was a disaster for the French. The Russian army refused to engage with Napoleon's Grande Armée of more than 500,000 European troops. They simply retreated into the Russian interior. The french troops starved and freezed.
  • Start of the hundred days

    Start of the hundred days
    Napoleon Bonaparte fled the island of Elba, where he had been confined since the previous year, when the Congress of Vienna decided to restore the Bourbon monarchy in France. His escape was the prelude to the beginning of the period known as the Hundred Days, which lasted until July 8, 1815, the date of the second restoration of Louis XVIII as king of France.
  • Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo was the worst defeat in Napoleon's entire military career, this was what led him back into exile and spending the rest of his days on the Island of Saint Helena. When the Seventh Coalition gathered against him, Napoleon decided to invade the Netherlands, and faced British, Dutch, German and Prussian troops.
  • Napoleon´s death

    Napoleon´s death
    Napoleon died at 51 in the island of Santa Helena were he was exiled from stomach cancer, exacerbated by bleeding gastric ulcers.