Napoleonic Era

By saniyap
  • Rosetta Stone - Social

    Rosetta Stone - Social
    During one of Napoleon's Egyptian campaigns one of his soldiers discovered the Rosetta stone which eventually became the basis for archaeologists to decipher hieroglyphics. When Napoleon invaded Egypt he brought a group of scholars to find any artifacts. Although Napoleon didn’t find the Rosetta Stone, he did bring his army into Egypt and if he didn’t, we would have never found the Rosetta Stone and cracked the code of hieroglyphics.
  • French Consulate - Political

    French Consulate - Political
    After overthrowing the Directory Napoleon created the French Consulate and became first consul. The government consisted of 3 consoles, Napoleon being the highest. As soon as it was formed Napoleon sprung to action improving the French government. Although there were 3 consouls Napoleon was the one with all the power and the other were figureheads. Napoleon created laws and reforms during his time as the first console. After becoming emperor he abolished the Consulate.
  • Coup d’etat - Military

    Coup d’etat - Military
    The French Revolution was getting chaotic and at the time the government was consisting of 5 corrupt directors known as the Directory. People were unhappy with this and wanted a new government. The Coup d’etat was led partially by Napoleon, and was the reason he became known in France. It was the overthrowing of the corrupt directory government in France. The Coup was successful in overthrowing the government and was the cause of Napoleon's rise in power.
  • The Bank of France - Economic

    The Bank of France - Economic
    One of the greatest ways Napoleon restored France’s economy was by establishing the Bank of France. It was made to improve the efficiency of the state's finances and recover from the previous economy during the revolution. The new bank was initially a private institution charged with issuing notes and handling state debts. It stabilized France's economy greatly and was very efficient.
  • Education Reforms - Social

    Education Reforms  - Social
    Napoleon created schools to spread education through France. Lycée’s was an upper class school preparing students for university. They were divided into three different types, each majoring in one topic; classical studies, modern studies, and scientific-technological studies. They usually enrolled Frances’ most talented students. The students stayed there for 7 years. Napoleon's goal was to have people show extreme patriotism to him and create loyal government officials to France.
  • Concordat of 1801 - Social

    Concordat of 1801 - Social
    The Concordat of 1801 was an agreement between Napoleon and the Church of both Rome and Paris. The concoradact stated that Catholicism was the most widely practiced religion in France but not the official religion of the government. It provided religious freedom for citizens in France and respected protestants. The church also agreed to let the farmers and citizens keep the church land the previously owned.
  • Franc de Germinal - Economic

    Franc de Germinal - Economic
    Another achievement of Napoleon was that his bank caused the forming of the Franc de Germinal. It was a new currency and became the basis of Napoleon's monetary system. The first coins in 1803 had a picture of Napoleon as first consul and had his family name while describing France as a republic. Later in 1087 the coins changed to show Napoleon as emperor and changed the description to show France as an empire. Even after Napoleon's fall this currency was used for 120 years.
  • Napoleonic Code - Political

    Napoleonic Code - Political
    The Napoleonic code was approved. It was the first set of rational laws concerning poverty, colonial affairs, and family/individual rights after the revolution. The code identified civil liberty, equality before law (for men), and secular character of the state. It abolished feudalism and influenced the law of many other countries too. The Code was a great political and social accomplishment for Napoleon since the laws created a more grounded government and gave more rights to people socially.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor - Political

    Napoleon becomes Emperor - Political
    Becoming emperor was a major milestone in Napoleon's political career. After showing skill in the Coup d'etat Napoleon became quite popular in France and eventually crowned himself emperor of France. After becoming emperor Napoleon formed a number of reforms improving France greatly. Napoleon is considered a great emperor till now and is seen as a major political figure.
  • The Battle of Austerlitz - Military

    The Battle of Austerlitz - Military
    The Battle of Austerlitz was Napoleon's greatest triumph. Great Britain, Russia, and 3 more, all teamed up against Napoleon in fear of being conquered. Napoleon was outnumbered but was getting reinforcements. Napoleon then led the opposing army to attack his right flank and with the extra reinforcements they could handle the attack. He took the rest of the troops and surrounded the opposing army forcing them to surrender.
  • Battle of Lützen - Military

    Battle of Lützen - Military
    Prussian and Russian forces were attacking Napoleon after his Russian campaign. Napoleon had a whole division so the opposing forces started using artillery. Napoleon used his clever tactics and called for reinforcements to surround the town of Lützen. Napoleon fought hard and at every moment where he knew he could attack hard, he did. Eventually the opposing forces retreated because Napoleon was putting up a hard fight. It was a victory for Napoleon.
  • Conclusion

    In conclusion I think Napoleon was a decent leader whose ideas are still used today. Apart from his obsession to conquer all of Europe he was a good leader who knew how to improve France after the chaotic revolution. He had ideas he was ready to put in motion and was a great military leader. If not for his extreme ego he may have reigned longer and wouldn’t be exiled twice. Napoleon was all in all a clever emperor who has left quite a legacy.