Napoleonic era

  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    The coup d'etat is when the people overthrow the Directory government in France and made it into a Consulate government. Napoleon was the first Consul. This would be a big political achievement because Napoleon becomes a big part in the Government.
  • The Bank of France

    The Bank of France
    Napoleon made the Bank of France which is the central bank of France. The bank was used to help people like small business owners and traders get loans. The Bank also helped the people because it kept tax collectors honest. This is an economic achievement because it would decrease the amount of job losses.
  • Battle of Marengo

    Battle of Marengo
    Napoleon led 50,000 men over the Swiss Alps and over to northern Italy were they would be found. He would go on to win the close battle and add it to his Military achievements.
  • The signing of the Concordat

    The signing of the Concordat
    The signing of the Concordat is when Napoleon brought together France and the Catholic community. People in France wanted to be on God's side in case there was a heaven so they wanted to get closer to the religion. They gave back the churches they once took during the French Revolution. This would be a big social achievement for Napoleon because this brought together people in France.
  • French Education System

    Napoleon many more schools for France and added to the education system. This was a big social achievement because there would be a lot more educated people.
  • The louisiana purchase

    The louisiana purchase
    Napoleon sold some territory back to the US for 15 Million dollars. The 15 million dollars would be used to build on his army and help them big time in the future. This would be a Military achievement and a Economic achievement because he is making a huge amount of money but he is also spending it on his army so it can be a lot better.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
    On May 5th 1804 the senate makes Napoleon Emperor. This would be a political achievement because now napoleon has a lot of power and he is really high up in the government.
  • The Battle of Austerlitz

    The Battle of Austerlitz
    Napoleon defeated Austria and Russia's army using his intelligence. He made the other armies think that his army was really weak so it threw them off and they were unprepared. This was a big Military achievement and really helped him in the future.
  • England suffers economically

    England suffers economically
    England wouldn't listen to Napoleon so he made the places he conquered decline trading with them. This made England suffer financially. This is a Economic achievement because this way he could make more money because people are buying domestically and not from other places. This could also be a political achievement because this a bold move and takes power to do.
  • The Battle of Friedland

    The Battle of Friedland
    The Battle of Friedland is between France and Russia. Napoleons army took 40% of Russia's army,leaving them with heavy causality making them lose the battle. Napoleon went on to win the battle and that was a big military achievement.
  • The Grand Duchy of Warsaw

    The Grand Duchy of Warsaw
    The Grand Duchy of Warsaw was a piece of land conquered by Napoleon. This would be an economic achievement because he is starting a new society and that's a whole new place with money being used. It was part of Poland so it was also known as Napoleonic Poland.
  • Napoleon marries Marie Louise

    Napoleon marries Marie Louise
    Marie Louise was Napoleons wife. Marie was from Austria same as king Louise wife. Napoleon had some battles against Austria and won them. Them being together made a period of peace between France and Austria. This was a big social reform because this really helped France get along with Austria.
  • Napoleons son is born

    Napoleons son is born
    Napoleon had a boy on 2/20/1811 named Napoleon II. Napoleon II was known as the King of Rome. This could be a social achievement because now he can relate to people who have kids and his son could maybe take over after him.
  • The Russian campaign begins

    The Russian campaign begins
    This was when Napoleon went over to Russia to scold them because they were still trading with England even though he was telling them not to. Napoleon was thinking that it was gonna be a quick battle and didn't prepare a lot for it.
  • Napoleonic era

    Napoleon should be remembered as a great leader, he lead France into a brighter future because of all the economic and military achievement that he made.