Napoleon Timeline

  • Concordat

    The concordat of 1801 was an agreement between the Pope and Napoleon. THis agreement gave the Church new boundaries including the release of the lost lands and that the government was more powerful than the Church.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic code is the French civil code established by Napoleon. It was the first legal code in France and it influenced many other countries before and after wars with Napoleon.
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    This was a time of war between Napoleon and many powerful countries. Napoleon's armies quickly conquered many countries in Europe.
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    During a civil war in a French colony, enslaved Africans seized the colony. Napoleon sent his soldiers to fight, but they died from diseases. So, Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana territory to the U.S.
  • Napoleon Crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned as Emperor
    Napoleon crowned himself as Emperor of France. He supposedly snatched the crown away from the Pope to show that he didn't need authority.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    This was when Napoleon had many blockades to protect himself from Great Britain during Napoleonic Wars. Blockades were around all the borders of France to keep people from getting in or out of the country.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon went to try to defeat the Russian army. He wanted to defeat them in order to stop any trading with Britain.
  • The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days
    This was the time between Napoleon's return from exile and the restoration of King Louis XVIII.
  • Waterloo

    This was a battle where Napoleon's army was defeated by two of the armies of Coalition. Napoleon was hoping to defeat them before they could join a group that wanted to invade France.
  • Accomplishment of Napoleon

    Accomplishment of Napoleon
    Napoleon was the first emperor of France and won 53 of the 60 battles he had been in. He also gave a period of relief to the French government after the bloody revolution.
  • Coup D’état

    Coup D’état
    This was the overthrow of the government by Napoleon. Although he overthrew himself, he did it to stay in office and to implement his reform programs.