Napoleon timeline

  • Italian Campaign 🟒

    Italian Campaign 🟒
    Napoleon went on a campaign through Italy to try and gain power over Austria. He successfully made the Austrians retreat within a month.
  • The Egyptian campaign πŸ”΄

    The Egyptian campaign πŸ”΄
    Napoleon went to try and campaign through Egypt. He failed due to a lack of men and tried to flee from the situation and hide it from the French people
  • Consulate🟑

    Napoleon made an attempt to create a 3 man government. Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès and Pierre-Roger Ducos were figureheads of 2 of the branches while Napoleon was the main figurehead. He got rid of the consulate after he declared himself emperor.
  • Banque de France 🟒

    Banque de France 🟒
    Napoleon was a main shareholder at this bank and this bank increased the financial stability of France.
  • Concordat of 1801 🟒

    Concordat of 1801 🟒
    This reinstated the relationship between France and the Catholic Church.
  • Consul for life 🟒

    Consul for life 🟒
    Napoleon declared himself the consul for life. Which is just a place on the senate.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟑

    Napoleonic Code 🟑
    This was civil law that Napoleon wrote. It’s good for many of the same enlightenment principles, including equality. However this took away some of what the French revolution gained. Napoleon often put authority over individual rights
  • Declared self emperor 🟒

    Declared self emperor 🟒
    This is when Napoleon declared himself empire of France. It was pretty unnecessary, considering no one had a say in this decision.
  • Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄

    Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄
    This was the Spanish in French which had 33 ships versus the British who only had 27. The British ended up beating Napoleon and his allies.
  • Abolished the Holy Roman Empire 🟒

    Abolished the Holy Roman Empire 🟒
    Napoleon successfully defeated the Holy Roman Empire After 1000 years of reign
  • Continental System πŸ”΄

    Continental System πŸ”΄
    This closed European ports for only British goods. After this the British did the same thing. Napoleon once again failed to try and bring Britain down.
  • Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄

    Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄
    Napoleon tried to assert dominance and invade Spain. He tried to take down the Spanish Catholic church however the Spaniards were extremely loyal to their king and church. When the Spanish tried to stay with their beliefs, they were brutally shut down with guerrilla warfare, which is just a lot of little wars
  • Invasion of Russia 🟑

    Invasion of Russia 🟑
    This led to Russia retreated, but when they did so they destroyed supplies and food that the French needed, causing the French to retreat.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄
    This battle destroyed the rest of the French military. This is when Napoleon was forced into exile on Elba.
  • Abdication πŸ”΄

    Abdication πŸ”΄
    This was Napoleons fall from power
  • Hundred days πŸ”΄

    Hundred days πŸ”΄
    March 20-July 8 1815
    These were the 100 days of Napoleons victory until his enemies caught up to him
  • Waterloo πŸ”΄

    Waterloo πŸ”΄
    This is when Napoleon lost to Britain and Prussia in only one day. Napoleon went into exile to St. Helena. He would never come back from this.