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Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign (Green)

    Italian Campaign (Green)
    Despite being outnumbered, Napoleon lead France to victory over the Italians, as well as the Austrians. IThis battle helped to start growing Napoleons’ reputation. Napoleon won one of the most significant victories of all time. France received control of Italy following this battle.
  • Egyptian Campaign (Red)

    Egyptian Campaign (Red)
    Napoleon wanted to fight the local rulers in Egypt, and protect the trade interests of France. Napoleon also wanted to attack British commerce. Despite winning early battles, Napoleon was eventually defeated and forced to retreat after heavy losses.
  • Consulate (Yellow)

    Consulate (Yellow)
    The top government in France at this time. Napoleon was first consul. It didn’t last long due to French military disasters and was broken up in 1799, before being completely disbanded in 1804. Even though the Napoleanic Code was brought out of the Consulate, the breakup of the consulate signaled foreshadowing for Napoleons’ future.
  • Banque de France (Green)

    Banque de France (Green)
    Bank Created by Napoleon with the intent to bring economic recovery to France after the French Revolution. Helped bring Frances’ economy back on track.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)

    Concordat of 1801 (Yellow)
    Agreement between Pope Pius and Napoleon to solidify the Roman Catholic Church as the main French church. It increased Napoelans’ popularity, but did not do much for France. The Catholic Chirch didn’t take over France after it was signed.
  • Napoleon Declares Himslef Consul For Life (Green)

    Napoleon Declares Himslef Consul For Life (Green)
    Napoleon declares himself on the consul for life. During his time on the consul, he reformed the French educational system, developed the Napoleonic Code, and his effects were mostly positive on France.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    This code from Napoleon secured equality of all male citizens, universal male suffrage, religious liberty, and more. The effects of the code can still be seen today. Despite all the positives in the code, Napoleon also got rid of women’s rights, made males stronger in the family, and reduced childrens’ rights.
  • Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor (Yellow)

    Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor (Yellow)
    Napoleon crowned himself emperor after putting the crown on his own head instead of the Pope. This gave him true legitimacy over France. Didn’t have a huge effect besides proving to the people that Napoleon was the most powerful person in Europe.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (Red)
    Naval war with France and Spain against Britan. The British Royal Navy pounded the French and they got a crushing defeat from Britan. The British didn’t lose any ships. Napoleon suffered his first major loss as Emperor.
  • Abolishment of the Holy Roman Empire (Green)

    Abolishment of the Holy Roman Empire (Green)
    The empire was dissolved after not having much of an army as well as conflicts with Napoleon and France. The empire had very high poverty rates, and now that it was gone it could give the people that live there to be ruled by someone who could give the citizens what they need.
  • Continental System (Red)

    Continental System (Red)
    Large blockade by Napoleon on against British trade. Britan in response prevented other countries from trading with France. Many French industries were shut down as a result to this and rose the price of food up in Europe. Their economy was hurt due to this new law.
  • Spanish Resistance Against France (Red)

    Spanish Resistance Against France (Red)
    Happened during the middle of a war between France and Spain, which had been its ally. Spanish citizens rebelled and were killed. The outcome hurt France and Napoleon. Napoleons’ military in Spain completely collapsed following the war. This negatively impacted France.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    Although starting out nicely for France as they were able to force the Russians to retreat, the tides changed and many French corps started retreating. Napoleon eventually returned back to France. Not only was this battle a huge loss to Napoleons’ empire, but it was his first major blow to his reputation and the beginning of the end for Napoleon.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)
    Largest battle in European history prior to WWl. Napoleon was decisively defeated in this battle. Napoleon returned to France again after falling to Russia, Prussia, and Austria. Napoleons’ reputation is once again going down after this battle and his exile from France would only be a year later. France ends up getting invaded a year later.
  • Napoleon Abdicates (Yellow)

    Napoleon Abdicates (Yellow)
    In 1814, Napoleons’ forces gave up on Napoleon. Napoleon had to abdicate his throne and he was exiled to Elba before escaping a year later. This event could be considered good for France because it could give them a fresh start and a new leader after several lost battles.
  • Hundred Days (Yellow)

    Hundred Days (Yellow)
    Marked the time that Napoleon spent returning to France after his exile. He reformed his army and took over France again. He was able to hold power for those 100 days.
  • Battle of Waterloo (Green)

    Battle of Waterloo (Green)
    The final war of Napoleons’ life, where he once again was defeated. He was exiled again to St. Helena for the rest of his life. Even though there was a heavy loss of life, the aftermath of the battle creates peace in Europe until WWl.