Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign🟢

    Italian Campaign🟢
    The campaign was fought in Northern Italy, and its primary objective was to drive the Austrians out of Italy and to spread the ideals of the French Revolution.
  • Egyptian Campaign🟡

    Egyptian Campaign🟡
    Napoleon tried to expand French influence in the Middle East and to defend French trade interests. However the campaign ended in defeat due to the British Army.
  • Consulate🟢

    The consulate was created after Napoleon staged a coup against the Directory. It consisted of three consuls Napoleon Bonaparte, Jean Jacques Regis de Cambaceres, and Charles Francois Lebrun.
  • Banque de France🟡

    Banque de France🟡
    Created by Napoleon as part of his efforts to modernize and stabilize the French economy following the French Revolution.
  • Concordat of 1801🟢

    Concordat of 1801🟢
    Established a formal agreement between the French government and the Roman Catholic Church. It helped to restore relations between the French government and the Church after the French Revolution.
  • Consul for Life🟢

    Consul for Life🟢
    The title of Consul for Life solidified Napoleon's position as the undisputed leader of the French government and ensured that he would hold power for life.
  • Napoleonic Code🟡

    Napoleonic Code🟡
    The Napoleonic Code was based on the principles of equality, justice, and individual rights. It was created to help try to fix the previous failures of the last legal system.
  • Declared himself Emperor🟢

    Declared himself Emperor🟢
    Napoleon declaring himself as the emperor marked the end of the French Republic and the beginning of the Napoleonic Empire. This showed Napoleon's influence from Caesar to become an Emperor. Napoleon also crowned himself by placing the wreath on his own head without the Pope.
  • Battle of Trafalgar🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar🔴
    The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval battle off of the coast of Spain between the French and British navies. The battle was a decisive victory for the British, who inflicted heavy losses on the French and destroyed several of their ships.
  • Abolished the Holy Roman Empire🟢

    Abolished the Holy Roman Empire🟢
    Napoleon's decision to dissolve the Holy Roman Empire was part of a larger effort to change the political landscape of Europe and expand the French Empire. This marked the end of the historic empire to make room for the new French one.
  • Continental System🔴

    Continental System🔴
    The Continental System was created to try to blockade Britain from trading with all countries in Europe. This was done in hopes of weakening their economy, so they would be easier to defeat.
  • Resistance in Spain🔴

    Resistance in Spain🔴
    Napoleon invaded Spain to get to Portugal since they were not abiding by the continental system. He had the Spanish King and Queen imprisoned and replaced by his own brother. This was met with the army siding against the government and instead with the people. The whole invasion was a failure for Napoleon as he was weakened and had severe losses.
  • Invasion of Russia🔴

    Invasion of Russia🔴
    Napoleon's Invasion of Russia is marked as the beginning of the end of Napoleon's dominance in Europe. The campaign was marked by several major battles, and resulted in significant losses for the French Army, which was not prepared for the harsh Russian winter. Ultimately, the invasion of Russia was a failure for Napoleon.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴
    The Battle of Nations was fought between the French Army and a coalition of European powers, including Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Sweden. The battle was a victory for the coalition as the French were forced to retreat. This was the beginning of the end for French domination in Europe.
  • Hundred Days 🟡

    Hundred Days 🟡
    The decision for Napoleon's Brief Abdication was made in the face of military defeat and mounting pressure from European powers, which were seeking to end the Napoleonic Wars and restore the French monarchy. However Napoleon would come back one more time after abdicating.
  • Waterloo🔴

    The Battle of Waterloo was a decisive victory for the coalition forces, who inflicted heavy losses on the French Army and forced it to retreat. It marked the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the final defeat of Napoleon, who was exiled to the island of Saint Helena to insure he'd never return again.
  • Abdication🔴

    Napoleon's abdication marked the end of his reign as Emperor and the beginning of a new era in France, as the monarchy was restored and the country began to rebuild after years of death and fighting.