Napoleon Timeline

  • Coup D’état

    Coup D’état
    This illegal overthrow, brought Bonaparte from being a general to become the Consulate of France. This ended the reign of monarchs and stopped the French Revolution, which lasted over 10 years .
  • Concordat

    A deal between the Pope and Napoleon which stated that religion of France was Catholic, but the French people could still practice Protestantism in peace. This document gave France much more religious freedoms that other previous documents, it allowed people to worship in public, Papacy could dispose of bishops, and many other freedoms that helped the French people.
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    In 1803, Napoleon gave up 80,000 acres of land to Thomas Jefferson, the President of the growing United States. Jefferson paid 15 million dollars for the land, which Napoleon spent on wars in Europe. Napoleon gave up this land because he lost the island of Hispaniola to Haitian rebels. Hispaniola was the main island of trade from the Mississippi River so the land had no value to the French any longer.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Created by Napoleon, this is a civic code of France. He divided the law into 4 parts; persons, property, owning property, and finally civil procedures. Along with having a major impact on France this document influenced many regions from Germany to the Middle East.
  • Napoleon crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon crowned as Emperor
    Napoleon was crowned as the Emperor of France. This was an important day in France because Napoleon was the 1st person to not be a monarch but still rule over France. Rather than having the Pope crown him and his wife, Napoleon crowned him and his wife Josephine.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    This was a policy made by Napoleon to keep Great Britain from trading so, in the end Napoleon could conquer Great Britain, but in time the system proved unsuccessful and caused many wars insted.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Known to Russians as the Patriotic War, this battle was originally intended for Napoleon to talk to the Russian tsar to get Russia to quit trade with Great Britain in order to less the power they had over Europe.
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    Know as Napoleonic Wars, France started many wars with neighboring European countries and mainly won. During this time France occupied most of Europe and even parts of Africa.
  • The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days
    This short period was the days Napoleon was out of exile from the island Elba and the ended when King Louis 18th came into power. When Napoleon came back to France, the Congress of Vienna named Bonaparte an outlaw and made sure to defeat him in any 'Napoleonic Wars'. So all the powers came together to defeat France in the Waterloo Battle, which got Napoleon exiled for life and restored the monarchy in France once again.
  • Waterloo

    A battle in now-day Belgium, that was against Prussia and Britain armies. France was defeated by Prussia and Britain, which was shocking because Napoleon has hardly ever lost a battle in his career. It is one of the most famous battles for Napoleon because it ended the reign of Bonaparte, and his 100 days from exile
  • Accomplishments of Napoleon

    Accomplishments of Napoleon
    • He was the 1st Emperor of France -Had religious freedom in France/ peace between Protestants and Catholic -Strong military presence, won 54/60 battles -End the Holy Roman Empire which was one of the most powerful presences in Europe -Passed the 1st French Constitution, the Napoleonic Code which is still used today -Supported the Arts, Science, Math, and Education throughout France