Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign🟢

    Italian Campaign🟢
    The Italian campaign showed the Napoleon was the real deal and even though he was outnumbered he still won. This was a major victory for Napoleon because it showed he was a great warrior.
  • 🔴Egyptian Campaign

    🔴Egyptian Campaign
    It was an expedition lead by Napoleon into Egypt, and he wanted to interfere with Britain’s trade with India. This was such a bad loss that Napoleon’s supporters didn’t even know about the worst losses.
  • Consulate🟢

    It was made when he overthrew the directory. It was a success because he got lots of power from it.
  • Banque de France🟢

    Banque de France🟢
    This was put in place after the revolution for recovery. This was a win for Napoleon because it helped many people.
  • Concordat of 1801🟡

    Concordat of 1801🟡
    The Catholics still were religiously free, but the state controlled the Church. This was a neutral win because both sides gained I little but lost a little.
  • Consul for life🟢

    Consul for life🟢
    This took big steps because he became leader of the consul. This was a victory because he was now in control.
  • Napoleonic Code🟡

    Napoleonic Code🟡
    This was a neutral win because although it had Enlightment principles. It also made the new French Revolution reforms useless.
  • Declared self emperor🟢

    Declared self emperor🟢
    This was major win for Napoleon because he showed that he was only leader in France.
  • Battle of Trafalgar🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar🔴
    He tried to invade England, but it was a fail. This was a loss because the British navy destroyed them.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟢

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟢
    He abolished the Holy Roman Empire and this was a victory because he wanted to get rid of it for so long.
  • Continental System🟡

    Continental System🟡
    The was a neutral win because British goods were closed to European ports, but the British also made a blockade of its own on European ports.
  • Resistance in Spain🔴

    Resistance in Spain🔴
    This was a faliure because the Spainish didn’t surrender and had the French troops retreat back into the countryside.
  • Russian invasion🔴

    Russian invasion🔴
    This was an absolutely faluire because Napoleon had decided to go through Russia in the summer time. Although he didn’t realize that by the time he got to Moscow after the Russians retreated. There were no suppiles left, so he was forced to retreat. His army then got pounded by the Russians.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴
    This loss was horrific because the British, Austrian, Prussian, and Russian forced teamed up to take care of France.
  • Hundred Days🔴

    Hundred Days🔴
    Napoleon came to power again, but was only leader for 100 days. This was a loss because he had to abdicate again.
  • Waterloo🔴

    This was a loss because Napoleon and his forces got destroyed by the British and Prussian army’s.
  • Abdication🔴

    This was bad for Napoleon because he had to step down from throne.