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Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign 🟒

    Italian Campaign 🟒
    Napoleon successfuly invaded Italy and gained control, also gaining Italian soldiers.
  • The Egyptian Campaign πŸ”΄

    The Egyptian Campaign πŸ”΄
    An expedition led to Egypt that was a complete military mistake. Napoleon changed the story though, and told the people than the was successful.
  • Consulate 🟒

    Consulate 🟒
    Napoleon created the three man consulate to replace the directory.
  • Banquet de France 🟒

    Banquet de France 🟒
    The banquet de France was used to repair Frances crumbling economy, and gave France a stable currency.
  • Concordat of 1801 🟒

    Concordat of 1801 🟒
    This concordat kept church under state control, but allowed Catholics to still practice their religion. The church denounced this, yet the people accepted it.
  • Consul for life 🟒

    Consul for life 🟒
    Napoleon created the consulate to repair the previous government. Eventually he named himself consul for life.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟑

    Napoleonic Code 🟑
    It possessed the principles that the people needed, like equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and abolition of feudalism. At the same time though women lost many of their rights.
  • Declared Self Emperor 🟒

    Declared Self Emperor 🟒
    Napoleon decided to claim the title of emperor, and crown himself.
  • Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄

    Resistance in Spain πŸ”΄
    France continued to try to invade Spain, attacking things like their church, and repressing their people. The people fought back against France with guerilla warfare, hurting French troops
  • Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄

    Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄
    Even with their small army Britain defeated the French fleet on the southwest coast of Spain.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire 🟒

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire 🟒
    Napoleon decided to abolish the Roman Empire completely, and created the confederation of the rhine.
  • Continental System 🟒

    Continental System 🟒
    This was France taking a blow at Britains commerce by blocking off their ports.
  • Invasion of Russia πŸ”΄

    Invasion of Russia πŸ”΄
    Napoleon led his men into Russia, making one of the worst military mistakes of all time. He brought 600,000 men into Russia, and left with under 20,000.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄
    Russia, Britain, Austria and Russia formed an alliance against France considering that it was now weakened. They then defeated the French and Napoleon at Leipzig.
  • Abdication πŸ”΄

    Abdication πŸ”΄
    Napoleon stepped down from power and moved to Elba, where he was supposed to live out his exile until he escaped.
  • Hundred Days 🟑

    Hundred Days 🟑
    Napoleon escaped his island and returned to France for a period of 100 days before he was forced back into exile. He went to St. Helena, where he eventually died.
  • Waterloo πŸ”΄

    Waterloo πŸ”΄
    In Napoleon’s hundred days he fought Britian in Waterloo, Belgium. He was crushed, Waterloo being his final defeat and leading him back into his final exile.