Napoleon Timeline

By Flint25
  • Italian Campaign 🟒

    Napoleon was outnumbered in this battle. 38,000 French soldiers vs. 63,000 soldiers total on the opposing side. He had planned to separate the two different forces and take them out then and be victorious.
  • Egyptian Campaign πŸ”΄

    Alexandria and Cairo were swiftly captured by Napoleons army. But, the people of Cairo eventually had enough and started uprising against the French.
  • Consulate 🟒

    Created a branch of executives. consisting of only 3 executives, but only one of the executives had any power. The first executive held all the power, that being Napoleon.
  • Banque de France 🟒

    Made to foster the economy of France to help recover and get it back up on its feet. This destructed economy was remanents of a strong recession periods during the Revolution.
  • Concordat of 1801 🟒

    Defined the Roman Catholic Church’s status in France and ended the breach caused by confiscations and reforms put in place during the Revolution
  • Consul for Life 🟒

    New constitution devised by Napoleon that part of it had said that his son shall succeed him and take the throne when he can rule no longer. Though he had no true children of his own at the time.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟑

    The French Civil code; allowed religion again, equality for all citizens, advancements similar to merits, some reforms of the Revolution were undone.
  • Declared self Emperor 🟒

    Napoleon snached the crown right from the hands of Pope Pius VII and putting on his own head. He then proceeded to crown Josephine empress, showing off his power and kind of telling people what he will do.
  • Battle of Trafalgar πŸ”΄

    Naval battle/engagement between the combined forces of Spanish and France navy’s and the British navy.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire 🟒

    The creation of the Confederation of the Rhine led to the end of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Continental System πŸ”΄

    Attempt/Strat. to bring Britains economy down and that eventually led to the fall of Napoleon.
  • Resistance in Spain 🟑

    French occupation destroyed Spanish administration causing a separated provinicial juntas quarreling.
  • Invasion of Russia πŸ”΄

    Napoleon had been victorious until he entered Moscow, because by then winter had rolled around in Russia and the weather conditions were harsh. Well below freezing and the French army was ill equipped to withstand the temperatures. The French troops had also been exhausted from the campaign by the time they made it to Moscow.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig πŸ”΄

    Napoleon was defeated by Russian, Prussian, Austrian, and Swedish forces along with his German allies.
  • Hundred Days 🟒

    Napoleon returned to Paris after his first exile on Elba and the Second restoration of King Louis XVIII started.
  • Abdication πŸ”΄

    Napoleon left the throne again and was exiled for the second and final time to a remote island owned by the British called Saint Helena.
  • Waterloo πŸ”΄

    Running from June 15, 1815 - July 8, 1815. Put an end to a 23 year old war, stopped the French from attempting to take over Europe and demolished Napoleons imperial power.