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Napoleon Timeline

  • The Italian Campaign🟢

    The Italian Campaign🟢
    The Italian Campaign was one of Napoleon’s first claims to fame. Even though he was severely outnumbered, he triumphed over enemy Austrian forces and made a name for himself as a war hero. This was a victory because of the fame he earned.
  • The Egyptian Campaign🟡

    The Egyptian Campaign🟡
    The ambitious Napoleon felt unstoppable after a string of inspiring victories against the Austrians. With this arrogance, he hoped to strike at Britain’s trade with India with the Egyptian Campaign. His army was destroyed and he he was forced to retreat. However, he was able to hide his embarrassing defeat from his French supporters. This was neutral since nothing really came of his loss, since no one really found out.
  • The Consulate is Formed🟢

    The Consulate is Formed🟢
    After becoming a political leader, Napoleon began his career by overthrowing the Directory and replacing it with the stronger three-man governing board known as the Consulate. This was a victory since it was generally-well received and a strong foundation for his political career.
  • The Banque de France🟢

    The Banque de France🟢
    Napoleon established the Banque de France to seed economic recovery and growth in France. This was a victory since Napoleon received commendation for this move and he also improved the economy of his own country.
  • The Concordat of 1801 🟢

    The Concordat of 1801 🟢
    With this document, Napoleon attempted to compromise with the Catholic Church and regain their support. He did end up making peace with the church and Catholics, even if Revolutionaries denounced it due to their hatred of the church. It’s function was to keep the church controlled by the state, but allow Catholics religous freedom. This was a victory since a large portion of the French felt that Napoleon had their best interests in mind.
  • Napoleon Named Consul for Life🟢

    Napoleon Named Consul for Life🟢
    After forcing Spain to return the Louisiana Territory to France, Napoleon named himself Consul for Life. This was a victory because this was the great increase in power that he needed to become one of history’s most notable generals.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟢

    Napoleonic Code 🟢
    This code of laws was published by Napoleon to try and reform France. The code of laws was one of Napoleon’s longest lasting reforms. It represented ideas of The Enlightenment, like the equality of all citizens under law, religious toleration, and the ending of Feudalism. However, the code did undo some reforms accomplished by the French Revolution. For example, women lost most of their newly-gained rights. This was an overall victory since it was long-lasting and somewhat progressive.
  • Napoleon the Emperor🟢

    Napoleon the Emperor🟢
    After acquiring enough power, Napoleon had himself named the Emperor of France. This was a victory since Napoleon’s power had increased even further to the point where he was basically the sole commander of France’s actions.
  • The Battle of Trafalgarđź”´

    The Battle of Trafalgarđź”´
    With Britain being the final European power outside of Napoleon’s reach, he was keen on taking them and completing his control over Europe. However, Britain’s sea power and skill was particularly advanced. Napoleon’s invasion of England was thwarted by Admiral Horatio Nelson’s fleet. This was a big loss since his navy took a big hit and he lost some credibility. He also had to find another way to destroy Britain.
  • Resistance in Spain đź”´

    Resistance in Spain đź”´
    Spain’s resistance to France’s control over them using guerilla warfare exhausted French military forces. Back and forth aggression led increased hit-and-run raids, tying down French soldiers when they were needed by Napoleon. This was a loss since Napoleon’s army was now weakened and basically bleeding out in Spain.
  • Napoleon Abolishes the Holy Roman Empire🟡

    Napoleon Abolishes the Holy Roman Empire🟡
    Napoleon began redrawing the map of Europe, and one important change he made was the abolishment of the already crumbling Holy Roman Empire. This was neutral since the move didn’t really signify any big changes for France, and he didn’t particularly gain any popularity from the decision.
  • The Continental System đź”´

    The Continental System đź”´
    After losing to Admiral Horatio, Napoleon decided that an invasion of Britain would be too difficult and the idea was forgotten. Instead, Napoleon attacked Britain”s economy, which was a core pillar of their country. This attack consisted of blockades so that Britain could not export many goods. In response to this, Britain came up with blockade of their own. Ultimately a loss, Britain was able to use it’s navy to keep their most important trade routes safe, perpetuating the economy’s survival.
  • The Invasion of Russiađź”´

    The Invasion of Russiađź”´
    Originally, Tsar Alexander I of Russia was allied with Napoleon. They planned to work together to take over Europe and divide it amongst themselves. Following general unrest with the system and the economic effects of it, alongside the enlarged Grand Duchy of Warsaw which was a western border of Russia, Russia withdrew from the Continental System. Napoleon mobilized an army around 600,000 strong and invaded Russia. Russia was wise to retreat the whole time, and winter destroyed Napoleon’s army.
  • The Battle of Nations at Leipzigđź”´

    The Battle of Nations at Leipzigđź”´
    Napoleon’s defeat in Russia inspired Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia to form an alliance against France. Because of the French’s weakened state, Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Nations at Leipzig, changing the course of the Napoleonic Wars against France’s favor. This was a big loss since it basically was the beginning of Napoleon’s downfall.
  • Napoleon’s Brief Abdication🟡

    Napoleon’s Brief Abdication🟡
    After Leipzig, Napoleon decided to abdicate. Stepping down from power, he was exiled to Elba and Louis XVIII was recognized as the new King of France. However, the effects of his abdication would be short-lived as Napoleon would come back and retake France since the public was unhappy with Louis XVIII’s rule and decisions. This was neutral because of the fact that he would come back, but still lost power for a brief period.
  • The Hundred Days🟡

    The Hundred Days🟡
    The Hundred Days refers to the time period after Napoleon escaped from his exile on Elba. His success in taking back France was short lived and he was quickly exiled again. This was neutral since he didn’t really accomplish much and everything he did was erased since he got exiled again.
  • Waterloođź”´

    After taking back France by entering Paris, Napoleon was challenged by the allied forces in Waterloo, Belgium. British and Prussian forces dominated the French after a day of fighting. After this defeat, Napoleon was exiled once more to St. Helena. He would not ever return this time around. This was the final loss in Napoleon’s career because he was finally and permanently defeated.